Conservative Ladies of Washington
HB 1052 - Hate crime offense π3
HB 1056 - Law enf. misconduct π2
HB 1091 - SVP supervision credit π1
HB 1125 - Sentence modification π2
HB 1132 - Bulk firearm purchases π1
HB 1133 - Sexually violent predators π1
HB 1146 - Voting in jails, hospitals π3
HB 1147 - Civic engage./state custody π3
HB 1152 - Enhancing public safety by establishing secure storage requirements for firearms in vehicles and residences. π1
HB 1163 - Firearm purchase π2
HB 1196 - Voting rights/convictions π2
HB 1217 - Residential tenants π2
HB 1262 - Health disparities council π1
HB 1285 - Financial education π1
HB 1289 - Public school survey info. π1
HB 1296 - Public education system π1
HB 1321 - Outside militia activities π2
HB 1338 - School operating costs π2
HB 1339 - Even-numbered year elections π2
HB 1356 - K-12 funding π2
HB 1386 - Firearms tax π1
HB 1448 - Local elections π4
HB 1503 - Digital equity π1
HB 1504 - Firearm financial resp. π2
HB 1531 - Communicable disease π1
HB 1634 - Behavioral health/schools π2
HB 1677 - Postsecondary/med. abortion π1 π4
HB 1710 - Voting rights act compliance π4
HB 1745 - Election audits π2
HB 1750 - Voting rights act claims π4
HB 1817 - Schools/sexual assault π3
HB 1876 - Death with dignity act π2
HB 1881 - Health care marketplace π2
HB 1913 - Public utility tax credit π3
HB 1921 - Transportation revenue π2
HB 1938 - State flag redesign π3
HB 1964 - Lists of individuals/PRA π3
SB 5003 - Establishing the school security and preparedness infrastructure grant program. π1
SB 5004 - School emergency response π1
SB 5007 - Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school. π6
- π Julie Barrett
- π Joy Gjersvold
SB 5011 - Labeling ballot drop boxes. π3
SB 5050 - Presidential primary privacy π2
SB 5067 - Impaired driving π1
SB 5068 - Public employ. eligibility π1
SB 5080 - Financial education π2
SB 5098 - Weapons in certain areas π3
SB 5099 - Firearms dealers π2
SB 5123 - Discrimination in schools π3
SB 5126 - Student mental health net. π2
SB 5177 - Considering the experiences of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups when identifying professional development resources on certain topics. π3
SB 5179 - Education complaint process π4
SB 5180 - Securing the rights of students to have a safe, civil, and respectful learning community. π1
SB 5181 - Parents rights in education π1
SB 5186 - School district fac. funding π3
SB 5189 - Competency-based education π4
SB 5192 - School district materials π5
SB 5228 - Updating the governor's interagency coordinating council on health disparities. π1
SB 5268 - Unlawful firearm possession π1
SB 5321 - Postsecondary/med. abortion π1
SB 5327 - Learning standards π3
SB 5369 - Youth mental health/schools π1
SB 5382 - Ballot measure petitions π2
SB 5386 - Schools/sexual assault π1
SB 5434 - Gubernatorial emergencies π2
SB 5480 - Medical debt π2
SB 5541 - Future fund pilot project π2
SB 5622 - Diet pills and supplements π3
SB 5632 - Confidentiality/interstate π1
SB 5726 - Transportation revenue π1
SB 5762 - 988 line tax π2
SB 5769 - Transition to kindergarten π1
SJR 8200 - School district local funds π3
SJR 8200 - School district local funds π3
HB 1013 - Regional apprenticeship prgs π2
HB 1019 - Pesticide advisory board π1
HB 1020 - State dinosaur π1
HB 1035 - Health care restrictions π2
HB 1037 - Family burial grounds π1
HB 1045 - Basic income pilot program π8
- π Mary Long
- π Jeneen Breshears
- π Mary Long
HB 1048 - Voting rights act π6
HB 1059 - Sexual exploitation/minors β1
HB 1062 - Law enf. officers/deception π1
HB 1071 - School resource officers π5
HB 1085 - Plastic pollution π1
HB 1094 - Future fund program π3
HB 1095 - Wage replacement π2
HB 1136 - Employee expenditures π1
HB 1143 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π18
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
HB 1144 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π4
HB 1155 - Consumer health data π1
HB 1170 - Climate response strategy π1
HB 1174 - Jail-based voting π3
HB 1178 - Firearms/local government π3
HB 1195 - Weapons/parks & hospitals π2
HB 1230 - School websites/drug info. π2
HB 1238 - Free school meals π3
HB 1239 - Educator ethics & complaints π3
HB 1240 - Firearms/assault weapons π15
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
HB 1241 - Harassment π3
HB 1244 - Enrichment levy authority π7
HB 1272 - Voters' pamphlets π1
HB 1281 - Death with dignity act π2
HB 1286 - Reprod. health/employers π3
HB 1308 - Graduation pathway options π3
HB 1317 - Grassroots lobbying π2 β1
HB 1333 - Domestic violent extremism π8 β1
- β Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
HB 1340 - Health professions/conduct π5
HB 1368 - Zero emission school buses π6
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
HB 1397 - Dependency π6
HB 1406 - Youth seeking housing assist β1
HB 1445 - Law enf. misconduct π3
HB 1469 - Health care services/access π15
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
HB 1475 - Online ballot portal π2
HB 1478 - Student rights π2 β1
- π Christina Callahan
- β Julie Barrett
HB 1479 - Student restraint, isolation π1
HB 1541 - Lived experience π6
HB 1562 - Violence β1
HB 1579 - Independent prosecutions π1
HB 1615 - Education savings accounts π4
- π Julie Barrett
- π Jeannie Magdua
HB 1670 - Property tax limit factor π3
HB 1723 - GMA/equity and env. justice π1
HB 1785 - COVID-19/occupational π4
HB 1832 - Vehicle per mile charge π10
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
HB 1843 - School district elections π1
HB 1897 - Charter schools/enrichment π1
HB 1902 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π2
HB 1903 - Lost or stolen firearms π3
HB 1932 - Even-numbered year elections π1
HB 1934 - AI task force π3 β1
- β Joy Gjersvold
- π Julie Barrett
HB 1954 - Harmonizing language relating to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment. π5
- π Julie Barrett
- π Mary Long
HB 1962 - Improving voter registration list accuracy by improving voter address change processes for county election offices and voters. π1
HB 2000 - International leadership π1
HB 2016 - Allowing certain minors to contract for housing and utilities. π2
HB 2018 - Improving student outcomes by restricting mobile device use by public school students. β1
HB 2021 - Firearm disposition π3
HB 2030 - Revoking a person's voting rights only when convicted of a state crime punishable by death. π1
HB 2037 - Holocaust and genocide edu. π1
HB 2038 - Public school transfer data π2
HB 2054 - Concerning bulk purchases and transfers of firearms. π1
HB 2115 - Prescription labels/abortion π2
HB 2118 - Firearms dealers π5
HB 2157 - Vaccine definition π1
HB 2160 - Housing development π1
HB 2239 - Social-emotional instruction π3
HB 2250 - Local elections π3
HB 2270 - Department of housing π1
HB 2331 - Public school materials π2
HB 2368 - Refugee & immigrant assist. π4
HB 2398 - Instruct. materials/parents π2
HB 2442 - Law enforcement memorial π1
HB 2455 - Competing ballot measures π2 β1
HB 2459 - Alt. measure disclosures π5
HB 2470 - Creating a local sales and use tax to address gender-based violence. π3
HB 2474 - Transitional housing siting π2
HB 2494 - School operating costs π9
SB 5006 - Waiver of firearm rights π9
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5019 - School safety staff π8
SB 5020 - Education at 6 years of age π6
SB 5024 - K-12 education/parent rights π4
SB 5032 - DUI lookback & sentencing π1
SB 5035 - Controlled sub. possession π7
SB 5047 - Voting rights act π3
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5054 - Prof. learning communities π4
- π Julie Barrett
- π Jeannie Magdua
SB 5065 - Bone marrow donation/schools π2
SB 5078 - Firearm industry duties π23
- π Julie Barrett
- π Jeannie Magdua
- π Jeannie Magdua
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5082 - Advisory votes π6
SB 5125 - Future fund program π1
SB 5174 - Student transportation π6
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5179 - Death with dignity act π13
- π Julie Barrett
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
SB 5204 - Fertility services coverage π1
SB 5208 - Online voter registration π4
SB 5209 - Universal civic duty voting π8
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
SB 5232 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π12
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5237 - Education law noncompliance π7
- π Julie Barrett
- π Jeannie Magdua
SB 5241 - Health care marketplace π1
SB 5242 - Abortion cost sharing π13
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5248 - Tutoring & extended learning π3
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5257 - Elementary school recess π1
SB 5260 - Reprod. health/employers π3
SB 5311 - Special education funding π1
SB 5315 - Special education/nonpublic π1
SB 5339 - Free school meals π4
SB 5355 - Sex trafficking prev. ed. π3
SB 5361 - Law enf. officers/increase π1
SB 5427 - Hate crimes & bias incidents π10
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5431 - Zero emission school buses π2
SB 5438 - Supportive relationships π1 π1 β6
- β Julie Barrett
- β Julie Barrett
- β Julie Barrett
SB 5441 - School district curricula π7
- π Julie Barrett
- π Jeannie Magdua
SB 5442 - Charter schools/enrichment π1
SB 5444 - Firearms/certain premises π5
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5453 - Female genital mutilation π2
SB 5459 - Election info. requests π1
SB 5462 - Inclusive learning standards π9
- π Jeannie Magdua
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5489 - Health care services/access π3
SB 5505 - School year expansion π3
SB 5580 - Maternal health outcomes π1
SB 5581 - Maternal support services π3
SB 5599 - Protected health care/youth π18
- π Julie Barrett
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5601 - Youth development office π7
SB 5702 - Student homelessness pilot π1
SB 5710 - Behavioral health/youth π6
SB 5768 - DOC/abortion medications π11
- π Julie Barrett
- π Jeannie Magdua
SB 5809 - Charter schools/enrichment π1
SB 5820 - Establishing protections for citizens participating in the initiative and referendum process. π2
SB 5823 - School district elections π2
SB 5837 - Codifying the state election database to publish, evaluate, and analyze certain election data. π3 β1
- π Julie Barrett
- β Julie Barrett
SB 5838 - AI task force π8 β2
- π Julie Barrett
- β Joy Gjersvold
- β Joy Gjersvold
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5850 - Chronically absent students β1
SB 5882 - Prototypical school staffing π1 β1
- β Joy Gjersvold
- π Julie Barrett
SB 5917 - Bias-motivated defacement π2
SB 5956 - Enrichment levies limit π1
SB 5960 - Prescription labels/abortion π2
SB 5963 - Deadly weapons insurance π4
SB 5982 - Vaccine definition π9
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
SB 5985 - Firearms background checks π4
SB 6058 - Carbon market linkage π2
SB 6095 - Secretary of health orders π3
SB 6134 - Opioid use π3
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
SB 6144 - Prescribing psychologists π3
SB 6151 - Ultrasound π10
- π Mary Long
- π Julie Barrett
SB 6196 - Basic income pilot program π3
SB 6205 - Pledge of allegiance instr. π2
SB 6208 - Public school materials π2
SB 6216 - Student mental health net. π2
SB 6236 - Home-based instruction decl. π1
SB 6264 - Competency-based education π7
- π Julie Barrett
- π Mary Long
- π Mary Long
SB 6269 - Alt. voter verification π4
ESJM 8006 - Universal health care π8
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