Washington State Public Health Association
HB 1034 - Nonopioid drugs for pain π1
HB 1062 - Biomarker testing coverage π1
HB 1066 - Regulated substance use data π2
HB 1090 - Contraceptive coverage π1
HB 1132 - Bulk firearm purchases π1
HB 1152 - Enhancing public safety by establishing secure storage requirements for firearms in vehicles and residences. π1
HB 1163 - Firearm purchase π2
HB 1177 - Child welfare housing assist π2
HB 1203 - Tobacco & nicotine products π1
HB 1386 - Firearms tax π1
HB 1392 - Medicaid access program π1
HB 1416 - Tobacco & vapor products tax π2
HB 1422 - Drug take-back program π2
HB 1429 - Extended foster care/housing π1
HB 1449 - Home cultivation of cannabis π2
- ππ΅ Amy Brackenbury
- π Megan Moore
HB 1459 - Child fatalities π2
HB 1531 - Communicable disease π1
HB 1534 - Tobacco, nicotine, and vapor π2
HB 1583 - Traditional health/medicaid π1
HB 1805 - Children services/local tax π1
HB 1809 - Behavioral health response π1
HB 1811 - Crisis co-response π1
HB 1813 - Medical assist reprocurement π1
HB 1884 - Cannabis regulation π1
HB 1932 - Cannabis consumption π1
SB 5082 - Extended foster care/housing π1
SB 5098 - Weapons in certain areas π1
SB 5099 - Firearms dealers π1
SB 5163 - Child fatalities π1
SB 5206 - Cannabis advertising π1
SB 5273 - Concerning the availability of community violence prevention and intervention services. π1
SB 5335 - Rural nursing education π1
SB 5353 - Diabetes and obesity π1
SB 5372 - Medicaid access program π2
SB 5455 - Cancer research endowment π1
SB 5488 - DCYF/financial stability π1
SB 5498 - Contraceptive coverage π1
SB 5508 - Child welfare housing assist π1
SB 5762 - 988 line tax π1
SB 5762 - 988 line tax π1
HB 1012 - Extreme weather events π2
HB 1033 - Compostable product usage π1
HB 1085 - Plastic pollution π2
HB 1134 - 988 system π4
HB 1143 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π4
HB 1144 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π1
HB 1168 - Prenatal substance exposure π3
HB 1170 - Climate response strategy π2
HB 1178 - Firearms/local government π1
HB 1181 - Climate change/planning π3
HB 1186 - Child welfare housing π1
HB 1195 - Weapons/parks & hospitals π1
HB 1230 - School websites/drug info. π2
HB 1238 - Free school meals π4
HB 1240 - Firearms/assault weapons π2
HB 1251 - Water system notices π3
HB 1329 - Utility shutoffs/heat π1
HB 1340 - Health professions/conduct π2
HB 1452 - Medical reserve corps π1
HB 1453 - Medical cannabis/tax π2
HB 1469 - Health care services/access π3
HB 1497 - Vapor and tobacco/minors π2
HB 1551 - Lead in cookware π1
HB 1554 - Lead impacts π1
HB 1612 - Products containing THC π1
HB 1678 - Dental therapists π1
HB 1706 - Microenterprise home kitchen π1
HB 1873 - Concerning office of public defense social service workers for parents in child welfare cases. π1
HB 1877 - Behavioral health/tribes π4
HB 1902 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π1
HB 1903 - Lost or stolen firearms π1
HB 1929 - Postinpatient housing π1
HB 1946 - Creating the Washington health corps behavioral health scholarship program. π1
HB 1954 - Harmonizing language relating to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment. π1
HB 1956 - Substance use prevention ed. π2
HB 2003 - Housing/public lands leases π1
HB 2019 - Native American apprentices π1
HB 2021 - Firearm disposition π1
HB 2054 - Concerning bulk purchases and transfers of firearms. π1
HB 2073 - Greenhouse gas other sources π1
HB 2112 - Higher ed. opioid prevention π1
HB 2114 - Residential tenants π1
HB 2115 - Prescription labels/abortion π2
HB 2118 - Firearms dealers π2
HB 2157 - Vaccine definition π1
HB 2182 - Regulated substance use data π1
HB 2194 - Home cultivation of cannabis π1
HB 2197 - Medical assist./prevention π2
HB 2201 - Carbon market linkage π1
HB 2214 - College grant/public assist. π2
HB 2245 - Co-response services π1
HB 2256 - Children behavioral health π1
HB 2276 - Housing/taxes π1
HB 2313 - Digital equity π1
SB 5006 - Waiver of firearm rights π1
SB 5078 - Firearm industry duties π5
SB 5095 - Parks/health & wellness π1
SB 5232 - Firearms/purchase & transfer π3
SB 5242 - Abortion cost sharing π4
SB 5339 - Free school meals π1
SB 5363 - Cannabis advertising π1
SB 5365 - Vapor and tobacco/minors π3
- π Jeff Ketchel
- π Jeff Ketchel
- π Jeff Ketchel
SB 5367 - Products containing THC π2
SB 5444 - Firearms/certain premises π3
SB 5489 - Health care services/access π1
SB 5599 - Protected health care/youth π1
SB 5629 - Hepatitis B and C π1
SB 5770 - Property tax π1
SB 5829 - Congenital cytomegalovirus π1
SB 5933 - Infants and toddlers program π1
SB 5955 - Large port districts π1
SB 5967 - Housing/public lands leases π1
SB 5982 - Vaccine definition π3
SB 5985 - Firearms background checks π1
SB 6052 - Petroleum product supply π1
SB 6058 - Carbon market linkage π1
SB 6095 - Secretary of health orders π1
SB 6099 - Tribal opioid account π1
SB 6110 - Child fatalities π1
SB 6122 - Alcohol delivery π1
SB 6127 - HIV prophylaxis π2
SB 6201 - Alcohol sale to minors/civil π1
SB 6220 - High THC cannabis products π2
- π Megan Moore
- ππ΅ Amy Brackenbury
SB 6271 - Cannabis excise tax/THC π3
- π Megan Moore
- π Megan Moore
- ππ΅ Amy Brackenbury
SB 6300 - College grant/public assist. π1
ESJM 8006 - Universal health care π1
Created by @tannewt. Contribute
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