Foundation for Tacoma Students
HB 1136 - Student navigational support π1
HB 1143 - College grant award amounts π1
HB 1273 - Dual credit program access π1
HB 1338 - School operating costs π1
HB 1557 - Guaranteed admissions prg. π1
HB 1568 - Financial aid eligibility π1
HB 1587 - Partner promise scholarships π3
- π Ben Mitchell
- π Ben Mitchell
SB 5007 - Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school. π1
SB 5120 - Learning assistance program π1
SB 5164 - Student navigational support π3
- π Ben Mitchell
- π Ben Mitchell
SB 5187 - Student transportation π2
SB 5192 - Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs. π2
SB 5210 - Ninth grade success grants π1
SB 5263 - Special education funding π2
SB 5307 - Special education funding π1
SB 5308 - Guaranteed admissions prg. π1
SB 5352 - Free school meals π1
SB 5402 - Financial aid eligibility π1
SB 5402 - Financial aid eligibility π1
HB 1045 - Basic income pilot program π2
HB 1146 - Dual credit program notice π3
HB 1156 - College grant eligibility π1
HB 1232 - College bound scholarship π2
HB 1238 - Free school meals π4
- π Ben Mitchell
- π Ben Mitchell
HB 1273 - High school and beyond plans π1
HB 1308 - Graduation pathway options β1
HB 1386 - Youth development grants π1
HB 1559 - Postsecondary student needs π1
HB 1565 - Prof. education workforce π4
- π Ben Mitchell
- π Ben Mitchell
HB 1897 - Charter schools/enrichment π1
HB 2025 - State work-study program π3
HB 2053 - Establishing the ninth grade success grant program. π1
HB 2058 - Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. π1
HB 2214 - College grant/public assist. π4
HB 2309 - Washington 13 free guarantee π1
HB 2374 - Washington promise program π1
SB 5048 - College in high school fees π2
SB 5072 - Highly capable students π1
SB 5079 - Tuition establishment date π2
SB 5180 - Teacher mobility compact π2
SB 5243 - High school and beyond plans π3
SB 5248 - Tutoring & extended learning π1
SB 5339 - Free school meals π2
SB 5408 - Ninth grade success grants π1
SB 5522 - College grant prg. stipend π1
SB 5566 - Postsecondary student needs π2
SB 5593 - Student data transfer π3
SB 5601 - Youth development office π2
SB 5617 - Career & tech. ed. courses π2
SB 5703 - College grant/bridge grants π1
SB 5711 - College grant eligibility π3
SB 5809 - Charter schools/enrichment π1
SB 5904 - Extending the terms of eligibility for financial aid programs. π4
SB 5964 - Free school meals π1
SB 5999 - Financial aid eligibility π1
SB 6053 - Education data sharing π1
SB 6196 - Basic income pilot program π1
SB 6254 - Student navigational support π2
- π Dr. Tafona Ervin
- π Ben Mitchell
SB 6300 - College grant/public assist. π2
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