wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1568
HB 1568 - Financial aid eligibility
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Wed 02/05 01:30 PM - Postsecondary Education & Workforce (PEW): HB 1568 Financial aid eligibility
235 👍 - Pro
- 💵Edgar Espino - The Washington Bus
- John Axtell
- Bill Lyne - United Faculty of Washington State
- Fernando Cortes
- Jhaydn Steplight
- Emily Zhuravel - Saint Martins University
- Josiah Tiblow - Saint Martins University
- Jessica Perez - State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- Ashley Ramirez - UW Tacoma Students Legislative Liaison
- 💵Isela Bonilla - Washington Student Association
- 💵Michelle Carrillo - ASCWU Legislative Liaison
- Alyssa Duncan - Saint Martin’s University
- Ashley Ramirez - UW Tacoma Student Legislative Liason
- Daniel Ngoy - Associated Student Government of Bellevue Collge
- Islesa Bonilla - WA Student Assoc.
14 👎 - Con
1 ❓ - Other
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