Conservation Northwest
HB 1216 - Clean energy siting ❓1
HB 1698 - Gray wolf management ❓1
HB 1740 - Forestry riparian easements 👎1
HB 1789 - Ecosystem services 👎2
- 👎 Mitch Friedman
- 👎💵 Paula Swedeen
HB 2456 - Wildlife safe passages 👍1
SB 5093 - Climate response strategy 👍1
SB 5154 - Solid waste management 👍1
SB 5187 - Operating budget 👍1 ❓1
- ❓ Kurt Hellmann
- 👍💵 Paula Swedeen
SB 5203 - Climate change/planning 👍1
SB 5314 - Electric bicycle use 👎1
SB 5380 - Clean energy siting ❓1
SB 5390 - Establishing a programmatic safe harbor agreement on forestlands. 👍2
SB 5471 - Electric bicycles/disability ❓1
SB 5667 - Forestry riparian easements 👎1
SB 5673 - Forest practices board 👎1
SB 5688 - Providing carbon sequestration and ecosystem services in the management of public lands. 👍1
SB 5846 - Beaver ecosystem management 👍1
SB 5939 - Livestock wolf predation 👎1
SB 6237 - Wildlife safe passages 👍2
SB 6281 - Reforestation grants 👍1
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