wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1462
HB 1462 - Hydrofluorocarbons
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Thu 01/30 08:00 AM - Environment & Energy (ENVI): HB 1462 Hydrofluorocarbons
259 👍 - Pro
- Beth Porter - Environmental Investigation Agency
- 💵Mike Armstrong - A-Gas
- Richie Kaur - Natural Resources Defense Council
- Ruth Ivory-Moore - Hudson Technologies
- Beth Porter - Environmental Investigation Agency
- Cory Eckert - Alpine Ductless
- Mike Wenrick - PCC Markets
- 💵Heather Trim - Zero Waste Washington
518 👎 - Con
8 ❓ - Other
- Mike Connors - Washington Potato and Onion Association
- 💵Katie Beeson - Washington Food Industry Association (WFIA)
- 💵Carolyn Logue - Washington Air Conditioning Contractors Association
- Joel Creswell - Washington State Department of Ecology
- 💵Peter Godlewski - Association of Washington Business
- 💵Michael Transue - Mechanical Contractors Association of Western Washington
- Alex Ayers - HARDI
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