Washington Wildlife First
HB 1140 - Operating budget β1
- βπ΅ Samantha Bruegger
HB 1153 - Octopus farming π3
HB 1699 - Fish & wildlife salaries π1
- ππ΅ Samantha Bruegger
HB 2293 - Avian predation/salmon π2
HB 2423 - Gray wolf management π1
HB 2424 - State-tribe coop./wildlife π2
HB 2434 - Fish and wildlife commission π1
HB 2456 - Wildlife safe passages π1
SB 5187 - Operating budget π1
- ππ΅ Samantha Bruegger
SB 5297 - Commercial salmon fisheries π1
SB 5371 - Orca vessel protection π1
SB 5444 - Firearms/certain premises π1
SB 5699 - Increasing the compensation for members of the fish and wildlife commission. π1
- ππ΅ Samantha Bruegger
SB 5846 - Beaver ecosystem management π2
SB 5939 - Livestock wolf predation π1
SB 6237 - Wildlife safe passages π1
SB 6294 - Fur products π1
Created by @tannewt. Contribute
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