Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network
HB 1056 - Law enf. misconduct 👍1
HB 1131 - Clemency and pardons 👍1
HB 1137 - DOC discipline 👍2
HB 1213 - Paid family & medical leave 👍1
HB 1214 - Working families' tax credit 👍1
HB 1217 - Residential tenants 👍3
HB 1232 - Private detention facilities 👍2
HB 1274 - Juvenile convictions/score 👍3
HB 1296 - Public education system 👍1
HB 1321 - Outside militia activities 👍1
HB 1380 - Public property regulations 👍3
HB 1399 - Sheriffs, chiefs, etc. 👍2
HB 1404 - Free school meals 👍1
HB 1412 - Comm'n, M. East & N. Africa 👍1
HB 1434 - Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha 👍1
HB 1491 - Transit-oriented housing dev 👍1
HB 1512 - Traffic safety 👍1
HB 1561 - Domestic workers 👍1
HB 1773 - Wage replacement 👍5
HB 1795 - Student restraint, isolation 👍1
HB 1875 - Sick leave/immigration 👍2
HB 1881 - Health care marketplace 👍1
SB 5023 - Domestic workers 👍1
SB 5041 - Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts 👍1
SB 5060 - Law enforcement personnel 👎1
SB 5066 - Law enf. misconduct 👍1
SB 5106 - Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha 👍1
SB 5115 - Creating the Washington dream act service incentive program. 👍1
SB 5123 - Discrimination in schools 👍2
SB 5222 - Residential tenants 👍1
SB 5321 - Postsecondary/med. abortion 👍1
SB 5352 - Free school meals 👍1
SB 5442 - College promise pilot 👍1
SB 5626 - Wage replacement 👍3
SB 5632 - Confidentiality/interstate 👍1
SB 5654 - Student restraint, isolation 👍1
SB 5661 - Landlord-tenant/preemption 👎1
SB 5678 - Residential landlord-tenant 👎1
SB 5714 - Bail bond agents/immigration 👍1
SB 5714 - Bail bond agents/immigration 👍1
HB 1075 - Working families' tax credit 👍1
HB 1095 - Wage replacement 👍2
HB 1228 - Dual & tribal language edu. 👍1
HB 1541 - Lived experience 👍1
HB 1579 - Independent prosecutions 👍2
HB 1889 - Professionals/immigration 👍2
HB 2114 - Residential tenants 👍2
HB 2309 - Washington 13 free guarantee 👍1
HB 2368 - Refugee & immigrant assist. 👍1
HB 2374 - Washington promise program 👍1
SB 5109 - Wage replacement 👍1
SB 5187 - Operating budget ❓1
SB 5236 - Hospital staffing standards 👍2
SB 5241 - Health care marketplace 👍1
SB 5476 - Agricultural overtime 👎1
SB 6127 - HIV prophylaxis 👍1
SB 6245 - Refugee & immigrant assist. 👍1
Created by @tannewt. Contribute
on GitHub.