HB 1285 - Financial education π1
HB 1506 - Credit union-bank merger/tax π3
- ππ΅ Brad Tower
- π Ed Speed
HB 1672 - Employer technology use π1
HB 1858 - Deed of trust assignment/fee π1
HB 1900 - Financial fraud protections π1
HB 2020 - Payment card processing/tax π1
SB 5070 - Interchange fees on tips π1
SB 5109 - Concerning the mortgage lending fraud prosecution account. β2
- βπ΅ Brad Tower
- βπ΅ Brad Tower
SB 5711 - Self-service storage/tax π1
SB 5754 - Washington state public bank π1
SB 5754 - Washington state public bank π1
HB 1388 - Residential rent practices π2
HB 1389 - Residential rent increases π2
HB 1420 - Lien priority/mortgages π1
HB 1557 - Digital processing services π2
HB 1628 - Real estate excise tax π2
HB 2114 - Residential tenants π3
SB 5060 - Rental & vacant properties π1
SB 5303 - Public works trust account π1
SB 5435 - Residential rent increases π2
SB 5483 - Digital processing services π2
SB 5493 - Financial instit./B&O tax π2
SB 5509 - Public infrastructure bank π1
SB 5961 - Residential tenants π1
SJR 8201 - Public works account π1
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