Children's Alliance
HB 1056 - Law enf. misconduct π1
HB 1303 - Environmental justice π1
HB 1399 - Sheriffs, chiefs, etc. π1
HB 1404 - Free school meals π1
HB 1463 - Cash assistance time limits π1
HB 1713 - Automatic voter reg./tribes π1
HB 1834 - Online services/minors π4
HB 1876 - Death with dignity act π1
HB 1903 - Low-income energy assistance π2
SB 5148 - GMA housing element π1
SB 5352 - Free school meals π1
SB 5380 - Environmental justice π2
SB 5498 - Contraceptive coverage π1
SB 5708 - Online services/minors π4
SB 5708 - Online services/minors π4
HB 1045 - Basic income pilot program π2
HB 1069 - Mental health counselor comp π1
HB 1075 - Working families' tax credit π1
HB 1094 - Future fund program π1
HB 1140 - Operating budget β1
HB 1158 - Advisory votes π1
HB 1168 - Prenatal substance exposure π2
HB 1188 - Child welfare services/DD π2
HB 1199 - Child care/communities π2
HB 1238 - Free school meals π3
HB 1251 - Water system notices π2
HB 1274 - Child malnutrition guide π1
HB 1340 - Health professions/conduct π1
HB 1405 - Public benefit payments/DCYF π1
HB 1447 - Assistance programs π1
HB 1455 - Child marriage π1
HB 1473 - Wealth/property tax π2
HB 1477 - Working families' tax credit π2
HB 1479 - Student restraint, isolation π5
HB 1511 - Income/child care programs π2
HB 1550 - Transition to kindergarten π2 π3
- π Dr. Stephan Blanford
HB 1565 - Prof. education workforce π3
HB 1580 - Children in crisis π4
HB 1676 - Special ed. early support π1
HB 1678 - Dental therapists π5
- π Dr. Stephan Blanford
- π Stephan Blanford
HB 1724 - Behavioral health workforce π3
HB 1916 - Infants and toddlers program π1
HB 1945 - Food assistance access π2
HB 1946 - Creating the Washington health corps behavioral health scholarship program. π3
HB 2058 - Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. π1
HB 2101 - Child care licensing fees π1
HB 2102 - PFML benefits/health info. π1
HB 2124 - Child care prg. eligibility π3
SB 5082 - Advisory votes π1
SB 5242 - Abortion cost sharing π4
SB 5249 - Working families' tax credit π2
SB 5316 - DCYF background check fees π3
SB 5339 - Free school meals π2
SB 5365 - Vapor and tobacco/minors π2
SB 5373 - ARNP, PA, & MD reimbursement π2
SB 5397 - Public benefit payments/DCYF π1
SB 5453 - Female genital mutilation π4
SB 5486 - Wealth/property tax π1
SB 5555 - Certified peer specialists π1
SB 5559 - Student restraint, isolation π1
SB 5580 - Maternal health outcomes π3
SB 5774 - Fingerprint backgr. checks π1
SB 5793 - Paid sick leave π1
SB 5853 - Behav crisis services/minors π2
SB 5964 - Free school meals π1
SB 6038 - Child care tax preference π1
SB 6196 - Basic income pilot program π2
SB 6216 - Student mental health net. π1
SB 6223 - School director compensation π1
Created by @tannewt. Contribute
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