Seattle Education Association ΒΆ

2025-26 ΒΆ

HB 1140 - Establishing empowerED scholarships using educational savings accounts. πŸ‘Ž1 ΒΆ

HB 1676 - Charter school contracts πŸ‘Ž1 ΒΆ

SB 5086 - PEBB & SEBB consolidation πŸ‘Ž1 ΒΆ

SB 5517 - School staff salary alloc. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

2023-24 ΒΆ

SB 5517 - School staff salary alloc. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1187 - Employee-union privilege πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1238 - Free school meals πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1533 - PRA/employee information πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1550 - Transition to kindergarten πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1565 - Prof. education workforce πŸ‘5 ΒΆ

HB 1732 - K-12 inflation adjustments πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 1744 - Charter school oversight πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1956 - Substance use prevention ed. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1985 - PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2125 - Concerning the eligibility of state-mandated benefits for contingent faculty at community and technical colleges. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2180 - Special education cap πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2276 - Housing/taxes πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2331 - Public school materials πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5174 - Student transportation πŸ‘3 ΒΆ

SB 5217 - Musculoskeletal injuries/L&I πŸ‘4 ΒΆ

SB 5257 - Elementary school recess πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 5311 - Special education funding πŸ‘4 ΒΆ

SB 5462 - Inclusive learning standards πŸ‘5 ΒΆ

SB 5486 - Wealth/property tax πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5626 - K-12 media literacy πŸ‘3 ΒΆ

SB 5650 - K-12 inflationary increases πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 5882 - Prototypical school staffing πŸ‘6 ΒΆ

SB 5923 - Substance use prevention ed. πŸ‘8 ΒΆ

SB 5964 - Free school meals πŸ‘9 ΒΆ

SB 6014 - Special education cap πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 6082 - Paraeducator compensation πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 6123 - Classified school employees πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 6208 - Public school materials πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

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