wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5517
SB 5517 - School staff salary alloc.
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Thu 02/06 10:30 AM - Early Learning & K-12 Education (EDU): SB 5517 School staff salary alloc.
2683 👍 - Pro
- Tyler Muench - Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Larisss Mccray
- Naomi McCleary
- Elizabeth Ward Robertson - Seattle Education Association
- 💵Janie White - Washington Education Association
- 💵Larry Delaney
- Shara Yackel
- Leslie Maxwell
- Bay Knight
- Jason Schutt
- Christine Brosius
- Christine Twiss - SEIU 925
- Devi Narakulla - food service, Foster High School
- Gabriel Iverson
- Carol Crowell
- Sean Palmore
- Rick Chisa - Public School Employees of WA/SEIU 1948
479 👎 - Con
- Donna Alber
- William Cooper
31 ❓ - Other
- Dan Steele - WA Assn of School Admin & WA Assn of School Business Officials
- Alexa Allman - Deer Park School District
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