Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action
HB 1150 - Solid waste management π2
HB 1213 - Paid family & medical leave π1
HB 1214 - Working families' tax credit π1
HB 1303 - Environmental justice π1
HB 1603 - Medicare supp. coverage π2
HB 1639 - Medicare advantage discl. π2
HB 1754 - Medicare suppl./guaranteed π2
HB 1764 - Labor standards π1
HB 1875 - Sick leave/immigration π1
SB 5113 - Concerning cost-of-living adjustments for plan 1 retirees of the teachers' retirement system and public employees' retirement system. π1
SB 5114 - Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies. π1
SB 5222 - Residential tenants π2
SB 5380 - Environmental justice π1
SB 5437 - Noncompetition agreements π1
SB 5539 - Paid family & medical leave π1
SB 5541 - Future fund pilot project π1
SB 5661 - Landlord-tenant/preemption π1
SB 5678 - Residential landlord-tenant π1
SB 5731 - Tenant assistance program π1
HB 1045 - Basic income pilot program π1
HB 1075 - Working families' tax credit π1
HB 1094 - Future fund program π1
HB 1110 - Middle housing π1
HB 1131 - Solid waste management π1
HB 1149 - Housing/capital expenditures π1
HB 1155 - Consumer health data π1
HB 1181 - Climate change/planning π3
HB 1269 - Rx drug affordability board π1
HB 1281 - Death with dignity act π1
HB 1313 - Health care afford./medicare π1
HB 1340 - Health professions/conduct π1
HB 1389 - Residential rent increases π2
HB 1469 - Health care services/access π1
HB 1473 - Wealth/property tax π1
HB 1474 - Covenant homeownership prg. π4
HB 1859 - Concerning the rights of residents in long-term care facilities. π1
HB 1889 - Professionals/immigration π1
HB 1893 - Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts π2
HB 1905 - Equal pay/protected classes π1
HB 2049 - Solid waste management π2
HB 2102 - PFML benefits/health info. π2
HB 2114 - Residential tenants π3
HB 2188 - Health subsidy/retirees π1
HB 2276 - Housing/taxes π1
HB 2361 - Standardized health plans π1
HB 2467 - LTSS trust access π1
SB 5125 - Future fund program π1
SB 5169 - Medicare/health care plans π1
- π James Barrett DeLong
SB 5179 - Death with dignity act π2
SB 5202 - Housing/capital expenditures π1
SB 5203 - Climate change/planning π1
SB 5236 - Hospital staffing standards π3
SB 5241 - Health care marketplace π3
SB 5242 - Abortion cost sharing π3
SB 5286 - Paid leave premiums π2
SB 5366 - Utility shutoffs/heat π1
SB 5393 - Health provider contracting π2
SB 5466 - Transit-oriented development π1
SB 5486 - Wealth/property tax π1
SB 5509 - Public infrastructure bank π1
SB 5625 - Public employee retirees π1
SB 5768 - DOC/abortion medications π1
SB 5793 - Paid sick leave π2
SB 5894 - Equal pay/protected classes π1
SB 5961 - Residential tenants π2
SB 5986 - Out-of-network health costs π2
SB 6005 - Solid waste management π1
SB 6007 - Grocery workers π2
SB 6025 - Predatory loans π1
SB 6069 - Retirement savings π2
SB 6072 - LTSS commission recs. π3
SB 6249 - Homeowner property tax ex. π1
ESJM 8006 - Universal health care π1
Created by @tannewt. Contribute
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