Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association


HB 1309 - Burrowing shrimp 👍1

HB 1670 - Sewage-containing spills 👍1

SB 5092 - Farm machinery sales tax 👍1

SB 5322 - Burrowing shrimp 👍1


SB 5322 - Burrowing shrimp 👍1

HB 1166 - Water quality trading prog. 👍1

HB 1863 - Concerning payment for surveys of state-owned aquatic lands by current or prospective lessees of such lands. 👍1

HB 2147 - Agriculture pests & diseases 👍1

HB 2341 - Offshore wind dev. study 👍1

SB 5306 - WDFW disease interdiction ❓1

SB 5341 - WA food & ag. products 👍3

SB 5353 - Voluntary stewardship prog. 👍1

SB 5484 - Food/environmental steward. 👍1

SB 5551 - Methane capture 👍1

SB 6036 - Agriculture pests & diseases 👍1

Created by @tannewt. Contribute on GitHub.