Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans
HB 1754 - Medicare suppl./guaranteed 👍1
HB 1754 - Medicare suppl./guaranteed 👍1
HB 1124 - Residential rent and fees 👍1
HB 1149 - Housing/capital expenditures 👍1
HB 1508 - Health care cost board 👍1
HB 1859 - Concerning the rights of residents in long-term care facilities. 👍1
HB 1981 - Incentivizing clean nuclear energy manufacturing through preferential business and occupation tax rates. 👍1
HB 1985 - PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase 👍1
HB 2114 - Residential tenants 👍1
HB 2133 - Public school bus trespass 👍1
HB 2188 - Health subsidy/retirees 👍1
HB 2244 - Retirement savings 👍1
HB 2467 - LTSS trust access 👍1
SB 5179 - Death with dignity act 👍1
SB 5241 - Health care marketplace 👍1
SB 5894 - Equal pay/protected classes 👍1
SB 5986 - Out-of-network health costs 👍2
SB 6069 - Retirement savings 👍1
SB 6258 - Standardized health plans 👍1
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