Spokane Tribe of Indians
HB 1274 - Juvenile convictions/score ๐2
HB 1311 - Gray wolves ๐1
SB 5570 - Tribes/K-12 instruction ๐1
SB 5570 - Tribes/K-12 instruction ๐1
HB 1177 - Indigenous women ๐1
HB 1228 - Dual & tribal language edu. ๐2
HB 1332 - Tribes/K-12 instruction ๐1
HB 1720 - Riparian grant program ๐1
HB 1784 - Hunger relief ๐1
HB 1877 - Behavioral health/tribes ๐2
HB 1879 - Naming the curriculum used to inform students about tribal history, culture, and government after John McCoy (lulilaลก). ๐2
HB 1956 - Substance use prevention ed. ๐3
HB 1982 - Broadband loans & grants ๐2
HB 2019 - Native American apprentices ๐1
HB 2065 - Offender score recalc. ๐1
HB 2075 - Indian health care providers ๐1
HB 2105 - Instream resources ๐1
HB 2372 - Tribes/health facilities ๐1
HB 2396 - Synthetic opioids ๐1
HB 2424 - State-tribe coop./wildlife ๐1
SB 5039 - Wildfires/electric utilities ๐1
SB 5200 - Capital budget ๐1
SB 5369 - Polychlorinated biphenyls ๐2
SB 5517 - Water resource mitigation ๐1
SB 5622 - Municipal water supply ๐1
SB 5804 - Opioid overdose med./schools ๐1
SB 5828 - Water rights commissioners ๐1
SB 5846 - Beaver ecosystem management ๐2
SB 5850 - Chronically absent students ๐1
SB 5856 - Concerning voter registration challenges. ๐1
SB 5890 - Ballot rejection ๐1
SB 5906 - Implementing a statewide drug overdose prevention and education campaign. ๐1
SB 5921 - Concerning tribal representation on the state conservation commission. ๐1
SB 5922 - Modifying the department of fish and wildlife's habitat recovery pilot program. ๐1
SB 5931 - Motorized vehicle tires/6PPD ๐1
SB 5998 - Nonfelony convict. vacation ๐1
SB 6095 - Secretary of health orders ๐1
SB 6099 - Tribal opioid account ๐1
SB 6146 - Tribal warrants ๐1
SB 6269 - Alt. voter verification ๐1
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