Washington Library Association ΒΆ

2025-26 ΒΆ

HB 1338 - School operating costs πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1503 - Digital equity πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5152 - Concerning state employee access to peer-reviewed journals. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5192 - Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs. πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 5365 - Library funding alternate πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

2023-24 ΒΆ

SB 5365 - Library funding alternate πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1609 - School library info and tech πŸ‘5 ΒΆ

HB 1644 - Margin tax πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1746 - State broadband map πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 2106 - Library district annexation ❓1 ΒΆ

HB 2313 - Digital equity πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 2331 - Public school materials πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 2354 - Tax increment areas πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2360 - Digital workforce πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2398 - Instruct. materials/parents πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2494 - School operating costs πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5054 - Prof. learning communities πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5102 - School library info and tech πŸ‘10 ΒΆ

SB 5126 - Common school trust revenue πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5618 - Local property tax limit πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 5626 - K-12 media literacy πŸ‘6 ΒΆ

SB 5804 - Opioid overdose med./schools πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5824 - Dissolution of libraries πŸ‘3 ΒΆ

SB 6208 - Public school materials πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

Created by @tannewt. Contribute on GitHub.