Kitsap Transit
HB 1125 - Transportation budget π2
HB 1236 - Clean fuel/public transport. π2
HB 1334 - PTBA aquatic lands access π2
HB 1378 - Derelict aquatic structures π3
HB 2191 - PTBA governing body members β1
HB 2316 - PERS/certain bus drivers π2
HB 2497 - Ferries 75 work group π1
SB 5162 - Transportation budget π2
SB 5292 - PTBA aquatic lands access π2
SB 5325 - Clean fuel/public transport. π1
SB 5342 - Transit interlocal agree. π2
SB 5402 - Authorizing public transportation benefit areas to become limited authority Washington law enforcement agencies. π1
SB 5433 - Derelict aquatic structures π4
SB 5881 - Concerning membership in the public employees' retirement system for certain part-time bus drivers employed full-time by the federal government. π4
- π John Clauson
- π Paul Shinners
- π wendy sorensen
- π Dylan Doty
SB 5947 - Transportation budget, supp. π1
SB 6185 - PTBA governing body members β1
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