Bellevue Chamber of Commerce
HB 1095 - Law enforcement funding π1
HB 1217 - Residential tenants π2
HB 1403 - Condominium construction π1
HB 1576 - Historic landmarks/cities π1
HB 1980 - Employer transp. services π1
SB 5222 - Residential tenants π1
SB 5604 - Transit-oriented development π1
SB 5755 - Residential dev./commercial π1
SB 5755 - Residential dev./commercial π1
HB 1125 - Transportation budget β2
- βπ΅ Jodie Alberts
- βπ΅ Jodie Alberts
HB 1628 - Real estate excise tax π1
HB 2308 - Existing structures/housing π1
SB 5162 - Transportation budget β2
- βπ΅ Jodie Alberts
- βπ΅ Jodie Alberts
SB 5466 - Transit-oriented development π1
SB 5792 - Concerning the definition of multiunit residential buildings. π1
SB 6175 - Existing structures/tax π2
SB 6277 - Transportation partnerships π1
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