Unemployment Law Project
HB 1308 - Access to personnel records π1
HB 1682 - Unemployment ins./part-time π1
HB 1843 - Students/unemployment ins. π2
- π Anne Paxton
- π Anne Paxton
SB 5540 - Students/unemployment ins. π2
- π Eric Gonzalez Alfaro
- π Anne Paxton
SB 5626 - Wage replacement π1
SB 5626 - Wage replacement π1
HB 1095 - Wage replacement π1
HB 1106 - Unemployment/voluntary π2
- π Anne Paxton
- π Anne Paxton
HB 1107 - "Master" and "servant" terms π1
HB 1715 - Domestic violence π1
SB 5331 - Job search requirements/UI π1
SB 5356 - Procurement/automated system π1
Created by @tannewt. Contribute
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