City of Pasco
HB 1095 - Law enforcement funding π1
HB 1121 - Work restrictions/age 16, 17 π1
HB 1443 - Mobile dwellings π1
HB 1710 - Voting rights act compliance π2
SB 5265 - Electrical inspector exp. π1
SB 5265 - Electrical inspector exp. π1
HB 1048 - Voting rights act β1
HB 1110 - Middle housing β1
HB 1363 - Vehicular pursuits π1
HB 1527 - Tax increment financing π2
HB 1530 - Law enf. employ. eligibility π1
HB 1870 - Local comm. federal funding π2
HB 2307 - Public records reviews π2
SB 5160 - Organized retail theft π1
SB 5190 - Middle housing β1
SB 5303 - Public works trust account π1
SB 5456 - Minimum parking requirements π1
SB 5536 - Controlled substances π1
SB 5606 - Illegal racing π2
SB 5622 - Municipal water supply π1
SB 5651 - GMA/equity and env. justice β1
SB 5780 - Public defense & prosecution π2
SB 6134 - Opioid use π1
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