wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1648
HB 1648 - Child care qualifications
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Thu 03/13 10:30 AM - Early Learning & K-12 Education (EDU): E2SHB 1648 Child care qualifications
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0 👍 - Pro
0 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
Mon 02/24 01:30 PM - Appropriations (APP): SHB 1648 Child care qualifications
135 👍 - Pro
- Jordan Travis - Tree hill
- Trisha Maygra - Sumner valley preschool
- Wendy Bart - Washington State Alliance of YMCAs
- Debra Rinell
- Susan Brown - Kids Co., Greater Seattle Child Care Business Coalition, and Washington Childcare Centers Assn
- 💵Harpreet Kaur - Washington Build Back Black Alliance (WBBA)
2 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
Tue 02/04 01:30 PM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): HB 1648 Child care qualifications
93 👍 - Pro
- Dana Christiansen - Childcare provider - Tree Hill
- Lauren Adams
- Sarah Clark - Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
- Angelia Hicks-Maxie - TTDC
- Amaal Mohamed - Tiny Treasure Childcare
- Susan Brown - Kids Co., Greater Seattle Child Care Business Coalition, and Washington Childcare Centers Assn
- Laura Murphey - Taylor Tots Childcare Center Inc
3 👎 - Con
1 ❓ - Other
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