wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1589
HB 1589 - Concerning the relationships between health carriers and contracting providers.
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Tue 02/04 01:30 PM - Health Care & Wellness (HCW): HB 1589 Health carriers & providers
1367 👍 - Pro
- Jane Beyer - Office of the Insurance Commissioner
- Rachel Atkins
- Meg Curtin Rey-Bear - Washington Mental Health Counselor Association
- Sharon Shadwell - Washington Mental Health Counselor Association
- Ben Boyle - APTA Washington
- Kendra Holloway - WA Speech - Language - Hearing Association
- 💵London Breedlove - WA State Psychological Association
- 💵Lori Grassi - WA State Chiropractic Association
- 💵Melissa Johnson - APTA-WA /WA Speech, Language, Hearing
- Ben Packard - Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work
- Jim Freeburg - Patient Coalition of Washington
1 👎 - Con
10 ❓ - Other
- 💵Jennifer Ziegler - Association of Washington Health Care Plans
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