wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1272
HB 1272 - Children in crisis program
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Mon 02/17 04:00 PM - Appropriations (APP): HB 1272 Children in crisis program
29 👍 - Pro
- Kashi Arora - Seattle Children's
- Sheryl Landstrom - Family Voice and A Common Voice, 1580 Rapid Care Team Lead Parent Support Specialist
- Kimberly Runge - A Common Voice | 1580 Program Manager
- Lori Kowalski
- Taku Mineshita - Office of Governor Bob Ferguson
0 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
Tue 01/21 01:30 PM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): HB 1272 Children in crisis program
28 👍 - Pro
- Taku Mineshita - The Office of the Governor Bob Ferguson
- Alysha Thompson - Seattle Children's
0 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
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