wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5823
SB 5823 - School district elections
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Wed 01/10 10:30 AM - Early Learning & K-12 Education (EDU): SB 5823 School district elections
82 👍 - Pro
- Paul Marquardt - Bethel Schools
- Tyler Muench - Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Charlie Brown - South Sound School Districts
- Kimberly Yee - WSSSDA and Fife School Board
- Marissa Rathbone - Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA)
- Michelle Nims - Washington State PTA
- Barbara Posthumus - Puget Sound School Coalition
- Brady Vallala - Washington Education Association
- 💵Simone Boe - Washington Education Association
- Jim Kowalkowski - Rural Education Center
- Joe Greenheron
- Kamil Zaidi - Northwest Progressive Institute
305 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
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