wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5150 > Engrossed Substitute
There is hereby levied an assessment of $2.50 head on all Washington cattle sold in this state or elsewhere to be paid by the seller at the time of sale: PROVIDED, That if such sale is accompanied by a brand inspection by the department such an assessment may be collected at the same time, place and in the same manner as brand inspection fees. Such fees may be collected by the livestock identification program of the department and transmitted to the commission: PROVIDED FURTHER, That, if such sale is made without a brand inspection by the department the assessment shall be paid by the seller and transmitted directly to the commission by the 15th day of the month following the month the transaction occurred. $1.50 of the $2.50 assessment levied under this subsection may not be collected at the first point of sale of any calf identified with a green tag as identified in RCW 16.57.160.
The procedures for collecting all state and federal assessments under this chapter shall be as required by the federal order and as described by rules adopted by the commission.
The commission shall submit a report by January 1st of each year, in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, to the appropriate committees of the legislature having oversight over agriculture. The report must provide an accounting of the funds collected under this section for the previous year, including a record of the amount collected, the amount spent, and the purposes for which the funds were used.
The commission shall hold board meetings in different geographic regions of the state throughout the year, with at least two meetings held east of the crest of the Cascade mountains. Geographic regions must include the northeast, southeast, central southwest, and northwest regions of the state.
The commission may fund, conduct, or otherwise participate in scientific research related to beef including, without limitation, to improve production, quality, transportation, processing, distribution, and environmental stewardship.