wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 1045
HB 1045 - Basic income pilot program
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Thu 01/11 04:00 PM - Appropriations (APP): SHB 1045 Basic income pilot program
1358 👍 - Pro
- Victoria Woodards - Mayor of the City of Tacoma
- Lily Cowen
- 💵Jacob Squirrel - Quaker Voice on Washington Public Policy
- Amari Leach - Lavender Rights Project
- Mary Beth Bennett - Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
- 💵Tracy Yeung - Washington State Budget and Policy Center
1549 👎 - Con
- Mike Smyth
- Mary Long - Conservative Ladies of Washington
- Sharon Damoff
- Kim Slinger
- jeremy a randall - moms for liberty
- jeremy Randall
- Laurie Layne - Layne Software
- Jeannette Mcchesney
4 ❓ - Other
- 💵Lori Pfingst - Department of Social & Health Services
Wed 01/11 01:30 PM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): HB 1045 Basic income pilot program
932 👍 - Pro
- Councilmember Jim Cooper - City of Olympia
- Robin Von Davies - Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
- Amirah Harris - Self
- 💵Jazmine Smith - The Washington Bus
- Amy Roark
- 💵Tracy Yeung - Washington State Budget & Policy Center
- Cherish Cronmiller - Olympic Community Action Programs
- Melissa Hornbeck - seiu775
- Kathleen Richmire
- Abigail Lawson - United Way Pierce County
- Debbie Wilkerson
- 💵Shaun Scott
- Abigail Lawson
- Debbie Wilkerson
- Mayor Victoria Woodards - City of Tacoma/Tacoma City Council
- Andrew Guillen - Seattle Indian Health Board/ Chief Public Affairs Officer from Seattle Indian Health Board
- 💵Katrina Johnson - Food Lifeline
- Robin Hills
- Stuart Grover - United Way of Pierce County
- Martha Lucas - Martha Lucas, Insurance Professional
- 💵Paula Sardinas - WA Build Back Black Alliance
- 💵Katrina Johnson - Food lifeline
- Patanjali de la Rocha - Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services
- Jennifer Bereskin
- 💵Tracy Yeung
- Victoria Woodards - City of Tacoma
- Shelly Robbins - Parents Organizing for Welfare Economic Rights
- Janice Henry
- Emily Pinckney - FMSGS / WBBA
1012 👎 - Con
5 ❓ - Other
- Amali Morning Song
- 💵Lori Pfingst - WA State Department of Social & Health Services
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