Retired Firefighters of Washington ΒΆ

2025-26 ΒΆ

SB 5085 - Closed retirement plans πŸ‘Ž5 ΒΆ

SB 5114 - Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

2023-24 ΒΆ

SB 5114 - Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 6197 - LEOFF plan 2 πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 6263 - Firefighter death benefits πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

Created by @tannewt. Contribute on GitHub.