Port of Longview ΒΆ

HB 1085 - Plastic pollution πŸ‘Ž1 ΒΆ

HB 1257 - Cargo and passenger ports πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 1371 - Freight railroad infra. πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 5494 - Freight railroad infra. πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

SB 5613 - Rural public facilities/tax πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5835 - Rule making websites πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5947 - Transportation budget, supp. πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 6302 - Supply chain competitiveness πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

Created by @tannewt. Contribute on GitHub.