City of Fife


HB 1308 - Access to personnel records ❓1

HB 1491 - Transit-oriented housing dev ❓1

HB 1532 - Sales tax sourcing impact 👍1

HJM 4001 - Russ Blount memorial bridge 👍1


HJM 4001 - Russ Blount memorial bridge 👍1

HB 1080 - Body worn cameras 👍1

HB 1304 - Electric security alarms ❓1

HB 1870 - Local comm. federal funding 👍3

HB 2160 - Housing development 👎1

SB 5606 - Illegal racing 👍2

SB 5618 - Local property tax limit 👍1

SB 5901 - Co-living housing ❓1

SB 5924 - Access to personnel records ❓1

SB 5959 - Traffic safety cameras 👍1

SB 6173 - Housing sales tax/use 👍2

SB 6242 - Law enforcement training 👍1

SB 6285 - Use of impact fees 👎1

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