Catholic Community Services of Western Washington ΒΆ

2025-26 ΒΆ

HB 1177 - Child welfare housing assist πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1307 - Child care product sales tax πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1429 - Extended foster care/housing πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1858 - Deed of trust assignment/fee πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5488 - DCYF/financial stability πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

2023-24 ΒΆ

SB 5488 - DCYF/financial stability πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1075 - Working families' tax credit πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 1397 - Dependency πŸ‘Ž1 ΒΆ

HB 1515 - Behavioral health contracts πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 2114 - Residential tenants πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2329 - Insurance market/housing πŸ‘2 ΒΆ

HB 2351 - Essential worker health care πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

HB 2474 - Transitional housing siting πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 5716 - In-home services surveys πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

SB 6196 - Basic income pilot program πŸ‘1 ΒΆ

Created by @tannewt. Contribute on GitHub.