Environment & Energy
Upcoming Meetings
Thu, Feb 24 at 10:00 am
Public Hearing
- SSB 5590 - Eliminating the 2022 expiration date of the marine resources advisory council. (Remote testimony.)
- SSB 5818 - Promoting housing construction in cities through amendments to and limiting appeals under the state environmental policy act and growth management act. (Remote testimony.)
Executive Session
- SSB 5678 - Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders. 2π 1π 0β
- SSB 5910 - Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state. 117π 0π 1β
- SSB 5626 - Adding a climate resilience element to water system plans. 142π 51π 1β
- 2SSB 5703 - Concerning the use of toxic chemicals in cosmetic products. 45π 21π 3β
- SSB 5590 - Eliminating the 2022 expiration date of the marine resources advisory council.
- E2SSB 5885 - Concerning marine shoreline habitat. 298π 86π 4β
- SSB 5818 - Promoting housing construction in cities through amendments to and limiting appeals under the state environmental policy act and growth management act.
- SB 5312 - Facilitating transit-oriented development and increasing housing inventory. 133π 0π 1β
- E2SSB 5842 - Concerning state laws that address climate change. 26π 72π 5β
- ESSB 5428 - Concerning the application of the state environmental policy act to temporary shelters and transitional encampments. 22π 0π 0β
See https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/house for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings.
To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: https://app.leg.wa.gov/committeeschedules
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