wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5691
SB 5691 - Continuing care oversight
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Wed 03/19 01:30 PM - Health Care & Wellness (HCW): SSB 5691 Continuing care oversight
539 👍 - Pro
- Donna Kristaponis - WACCRA
- Kimberly HIckman - WACCRA
- Laura Saunders - WACCRA
- Adele martz
- 💵Glen Melin - LeadingAge Washington
- Donna Kristaponis
- Paul Kostek
0 👎 - Con
1 ❓ - Other
Fri 02/14 08:00 AM - Health & Long Term Care (HLTC): SB 5691 Continuing care oversight
638 👍 - Pro
- Christian Smith
- John Caner
- Kim Hickman - WaCCRA Washington Continuing Care Residents Association
- Laura Saunders - WaCCRA Washington Continuing Care Residents Association
- Mary Baroni - WaCCRA Washington Continuing Care Residents Association
- Monica Clement - WACCRA (Washington Continuing Care Residents Association)
- Donna Kristaponis - WACCRA
- Cathleen MacCaul - AARP Washington State
- Agnes Chang
5 👎 - Con
5 ❓ - Other
- 💵Alyssa Odegaard - LeadingAge Washington
- Kevin McFeely - Futura Age
- Bea Rector - Dept. of Social and Health Services
- Amy Abbott - Dept. of Social and Health Services Aging and Long-Term Supports Administration (DSHS ALTSA)
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