wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5653
SB 5653 - Fish and wildlife officers
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Tue 03/25 10:30 AM - Labor & Workplace Standards (LAWS): SB 5653 Fish and wildlife officers
24 👍 - Pro
- Christopher Rosenberger - Fish and Wildlife Lieutenants and Captains Association
1 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
Tue 02/25 01:30 PM - Ways & Means (WM): SB 5653 Fish and wildlife officers
19 👍 - Pro
- Jeff Wickersham - Teamsters 760
2 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
Mon 02/17 10:30 AM - Labor & Commerce (LC): SB 5653 Fish and wildlife officers
22 👍 - Pro
- Christopher (Kit) Rosenberger - Fish and Wildlife Lieutenants and Captains Association
1 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
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