wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5641 > Original Bill

SB 5641 - Blood donation/school instr.


Section 1

The legislature recognizes that increasing awareness of blood donation is crucial to addressing the growing need for a reliable and diverse blood supply. Just as bone marrow donation awareness has been shown to save lives, education about blood donation can empower students to become future donors, ensuring a safe and sustainable blood supply for patients in need.

By integrating blood donation awareness into existing instruction, students will gain knowledge about the life-saving impact of blood donation, eligibility requirements, and opportunities to participate in donation programs. The legislature intends for this instruction to complement existing health education requirements and increase opportunities for students to engage in civic and community health initiatives.

Section 2

  1. Each school district, charter school, and state-tribal education compact school that serves students in any of grades nine through 12 is encouraged to offer instruction in awareness of bone marrow and blood donation to students as provided in this section. Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, instruction in awareness of bone marrow and blood donation may be included in at least one health class necessary for graduation.

  2. [Empty]

    1. Instruction in awareness of bone marrow and blood donation under this section must be an instructional program provided by the national marrow donor program, the American red cross, America's blood centers, Bloodworks Northwest, or other relevant nationally recognized organizations focused on either bone marrow or blood donation, or both.

    2. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must post on its website a link to the instructional programs described in this subsection (2).

  3. Each school district, charter school, and state-tribal education compact school that serves students in any of grades kindergarten through eight may offer instruction in awareness of bone marrow and blood donation to students. The instruction described in subsection (2) of this section may be adapted to be age appropriate.

  4. School districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools may offer the instruction in awareness of bone marrow and blood donation directly or arrange for the instruction to be provided by available community-based providers. The instruction does not have to be provided by certificated instructional staff.

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