wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5584
SB 5584 - Independent prosecutor
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📰 Articles
Tue 02/04 08:00 AM - Law & Justice (LAW): SB 5584 OII expansion/prosecutions
564 👍 - Pro
32 👎 - Con
- Pauly Giuglianotti - Partnership for a Truly Independent Prosecutor
- Ryan Lufkin - (WACOPS) Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs
- 💵Teresa Taylor - (WACOPS) Washington Council of Police & Sheriffs
- TERI ROGERS KEMP - The Black Community Lobby
- James McMahan - WA Assoc Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- 💵Russell Brown - WA Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
- Ramona Brandes - Washington Defender Association/Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- 💵Anne Anderson - Washington State Narcotics Investigators Association
2 ❓ - Other
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