wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5317 > Original Bill

SB 5317 - Exempting local governments providing certain services for projects under the jurisdiction of the energy facility siting evaluation council from certain appeals.


Section 1

  1. Subject to the conditions set forth therein any certification shall bind the state and each of its departments, agencies, divisions, bureaus, commissions, boards, and political subdivisions, whether a member of the council or not, as to the approval of the site and the construction and operation of the proposed energy facility.

  2. The certification shall authorize the person named therein to construct and operate the proposed energy facility subject only to the conditions set forth in such certification.

  3. The issuance of a certification shall be in lieu of any permit, certificate or similar document required by any department, agency, division, bureau, commission, board, or political subdivision of this state, whether a member of the council or not.

  4. Any city or county entering into an agreement with the council for providing technical assistance, conducting application or plan review, or conducting inspections for the siting, construction, or operation of any proposed or certificated energy facility included under this chapter, is deemed in compliance with all other state and local laws which may be in conflict and any such actions are not subject to appeal under chapter 43.21C or 36.70C RCW.

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