wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5286 > Original Bill

SB 5286 - State hospitals/police costs


Section 1

  1. A community partnership program is established between the department and the city of Medical Lake to support community policing efforts at eastern state hospital and adjacent areas.

  2. The community partnership program between the department and the city of Lakewood to support community policing efforts at western state hospital and adjacent areas is hereby recognized and perpetuated.

  3. Funding to support the community partnership programs described in subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall be provided annually by the state to the cities of Medical Lake and Lakewood in an amount to be determined in the biennial budget which reflects anticipated service levels and costs. The design of each program may vary to reflect individual community needs. The aggregate amounts provided to each city's program must fairly reflect the relative size of each state hospital and individual community needs, and are in addition to any appropriation provided for payment for police services.

  4. The department shall collect data from the cities of Medical Lake and Lakewood on the use of funds and the number of calls responded to by the community policing programs and submit a report with this information to the office of financial management and the appropriate fiscal committees of the legislature annually by December 1st of each year.

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