wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > SB 5190
SB 5190 - School building energy perf.
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Wed 02/12 08:00 AM - Environment, Energy & Technology (ENET): SSB 5190 School building energy perf.
105 👍 - Pro
- Jason Morse - Issaquah School District
- Michael Knaack - WA Assn of Maintenance and Operation Administrators
- 💵Mitch Denning - Alliance of Educational Associations
- Travis Bown - WA Assn of Maintenance and Operation Administrators
- Jim Kowalkowski - Rural Education Center
- Jeff Baerwald - Nine Mile Falls School District
- Suzie Hanson - Washington Federation of Independent Schools
2 👎 - Con
2 ❓ - Other
27 👍 - Pro
- 💵Grace Yuan - Puget Sound School Coalition
- Martin Turney - Issaquah School District
- Devlin Piplic - WA Assn of Maintenance and Operation Administrators
- Michael Knaack - WA Assn of Maintenance and Operation Administrators
- 💵Mitch Denning - Alliance of Educational Associations
- Charlie Brown - Tacoma, Puyallup, Clover Park, Bethel and other School Districts
0 👎 - Con
1 ❓ - Other
- Suzie Hanson - Washington Federation of Independent Schools
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