wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1966 > Original Bill
(1) Any item, or items of the same kind of materials, equipment, or supplies purchased, the estimated cost of which is in excess of $30,000, exclusive of sales tax, shall be by contract. However, a district may make purchases of the same kind of items of materials, equipment, and supplies not exceeding $12,000 in any calendar month without a contract, purchasing any excess thereof over $12,000 by contract.
(1) Any secondclass city or any town may construct any public works, as defined in RCW 39.04.010, by contract or day labor without calling for bids therefor whenever the estimated cost of the work or improvement, including cost of materials, supplies and equipment will not exceed the sum of $150,000 if more than one craft or trade is involved with the public works, or $75,500 if a single craft or trade is involved with the public works or the public works project is street signalization or street lighting. A public works project means a complete project. The restrictions in this subsection do not permit the division of the project into units of work or classes of work to avoid the restriction on work that may be performed by day labor on a single project. However, a second-class city or any town may have its own regularly employed personnel perform work which is an accepted industry practice under prudent utility management without a contract. For purposes of this section, "prudent utility management" means performing work with regularly employed personnel utilizing material of a worth not exceeding $300,000 in value without a contract. This limit on value of material being utilized in work being performed by regularly employed personnel shall not include the value of individual items of equipment. For purposes of this section, "equipment" includes, but is not limited to, conductor, cabling, wire, pipe, or lines used for electrical, water, fiber optic, or telecommunications.
(1) As used in this section, the term "public works" means as defined in RCW 39.04.010.
(1) All work ordered, the estimated cost of which is in excess of $150,000 if more than a single craft or trade is involved with the public works project, or a public works project in excess of $75,500 if only a single craft or trade is involved with the public works project, shall be let by contract and competitive bidding. Before awarding any such contract the board of commissioners shall publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation where the district is located at least once 13 days before the last date upon which bids will be received, inviting sealed proposals for such work, plans and specifications which must at the time of publication of such notice be on file in the office of the board of commissioners subject to the public inspection. The notice shall state generally the work to be done and shall call for proposals for doing the same to be sealed and filed with the board of commissioners on or before the day and hour named therein.
(1) Insofar as practicable, purchases and any public works by the district shall be based on competitive bids. A formal sealed bid procedure shall be used as standard procedure for purchases and contracts for purchases executed by the board of commissioners. Formal sealed bidding shall not be required for: