wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1426
HB 1426 - Impaired driving civil order
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📰 Articles
Wed 01/29 08:00 AM - Civil Rights & Judiciary (CRJ): HB 1426 Impaired driving civil order
7 👍 - Pro
- Frank Harris - Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- Scott Waller - WASAVP - Washington Association for Substance misuse and Violence Prevention
- Amy Freedheim - King County Prosecuting Attorneys Office
- Shellie Coury
- Ashley Bonus
- Derek Sanders - Thurston County Sheriff's Office
- Chase Glasser - SAFE: Safety and Advocacy for Empowerment
4 👎 - Con
- Arthur West
- Selena Coppa
- Arthur West
2 ❓ - Other
- Judge Rebecca Robertson - On behalf of District and Municipal Court Judges' Association
- Shelly Baldwin - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
Tue 01/28 10:30 AM - Civil Rights & Judiciary (CRJ): HB 1426 Impaired driving civil order
117 👍 - Pro
- Amy Freedheim - Senior Deputy Prosecutor King County - Felony Traffic
- Dr. Scott Phillips - Washington Poison Center
- Annie Sawyer
- Frank Harris - Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- Ashley Bonus
- Chase Glasser - SAFE: Safety and Advocacy for Empowerment
- Sean DeWitz - Washington Hospitality Association
- Shellie Coury
- James McMahan - WA Assoc Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- Scott Waller - WASAVP - Washington Association for Substance misuse and Violence Prevention
9 👎 - Con
- David Trieweiler - Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers/Washington Defender Association
- Selena Coppa
3 ❓ - Other
- Judge Rebecca Robertson - District & Municipal Court Judges' Association
- Shelly Baldwin - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
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