wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1367
HB 1367 - Right shoulder/motorcycles
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Wed 01/22 04:00 PM - Transportation (TR): HB 1367 Right shoulder/motorcycles
Sign up to testify:
1485 👍 - Pro
- Chad Magendanz - ABATE
- Corey Rowden
- LARRY WALKER - ABATE of WA (Motorcyclists)
- Brandon Hollibaugh
- Jeff Schoenwald
- Taylor Yount
- Arun Chauhan
- Kim Adair
- Charles Pray
- Porcia Palo
- Jorge Castaneda
- Tycho Cabral
- Alan Alder - ABATE
- Michael Miller
- Ricky O Saeteurn
- Rozana Knutson
- Loni Simone
- Elvis Brandenburg
- trevor cook
- Gregory Jordan
- Frank Brinkmann
- Cody Hiatt
20 👎 - Con
- James McMahan - WA Assoc Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
8 ❓ - Other
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