wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1275 > Original Bill

HB 1275 - Self-insurer withdrawal


Section 1

  1. For self-insurers authorized under RCW 51.14.150 and self-insurers who are counties, cities, or municipal employers who have their self-insurer status terminated by the director pursuant to RCW 51.14.080, the department shall fulfill the decertified self-insured employer's obligations including paying compensation. The decertified self-insured employer is liable to and shall reimburse the department all payments made through periodic charges not less than quarterly in a manner to be determined by the director.

  2. The director shall adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this section including, but not limited to, rules regarding continuing obligations of decertified self-insured employers and methods of how the self-insured employer shall meet financial obligations.

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