wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1187 > Original Bill
Each ambulance service shall attempt to collect automotive, health, personal injury, or any other relevant insurance information from a patient that is involved in a motor vehicle accident at the time transportation is provided.
At the time of transportation, the ambulance service shall attempt to provide the patient with the consumer notice created under section 2 of this act.
For purposes of this section, a motor vehicle accident includes incidents where a pedestrian or bicyclist is struck or otherwise injured by a motor vehicle.
Within 60 days of the transportation, an ambulance service must:
Provide the patient with the consumer notice created under section 2 of this act; and
If the ambulance service collected the patient's insurance information during transportation, bill the appropriate insurance or the patient; or
If the ambulance service was unable to collect the patient's insurance information during the transportation, attempt to collect the patient's automotive, health, personal injury, or any other relevant insurance information and bill the appropriate insurance or the patient within 60 days of receiving this information.
By January 1, 2026, the department, in consultation with the office of the insurance commissioner, ambulance services, health carriers, insurers, and consumers, shall develop a standard consumer notice educating the public on the different types of insurance that may cover a motor vehicle accident, the order in which the different types of insurance are applied to ambulance service bills, the insured's rights, and other information that would assist a person that has received an ambulance service bill following a motor vehicle accident.
Section 1 of this act takes effect January 1, 2026.