wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1182
HB 1182 - Parks & rec./interest arb.
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Thu 02/13 04:00 PM - Appropriations (APP): SHB 1182 Parks & rec./interest arb.
93 👍 - Pro
- Alicia Burki - WFSE-Local 1466
- Kenton Gartrell
- Andy Kallinen - WFSE Local 1466
- Mikolaj Miazio
0 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
Tue 01/21 10:30 AM - Labor & Workplace Standards (LAWS): HB 1182 Parks & rec./interest arb.
24 👍 - Pro
- Miles Carignan - Vice President - parks Local 1466, counsil 28, Washington Federation of State Employees
- Lucas Marin
- Jason Bearden - Ranger Representative for Parks Local 1466, Washington Federation of State Employees
- Andrew Kallinen - Washington Federation of State Employees
3 👎 - Con
0 ❓ - Other
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