wa-law.org > bill > 2025-26 > HB 1066 > Substitute Bill

HB 1066 - Regulated substance use data


Section 1

  1. Subject to subsections (3) and (4) of this section, the board, in consultation with the department of health, the health care authority, and other agencies the board deems appropriate, shall publish in a conspicuous location on the board's website and update, at least annually, the information identified in subsection (2) of this section.

  2. The following information, identified separately for each substance regulated by the board, must be published under this section:

    1. Compliance rates, with all personally identifiable information redacted, regarding the board's enforcement of laws or rules prohibiting the sale of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products to persons under 21 years of age;

    2. The number of citations, with all personally identifiable information redacted, issued annually for violations of laws or rules prohibiting the sale of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, or vapor products to persons under 21 years of age;

    3. The number of citations, with all personally identifiable information redacted, issued annually for violations of laws or rules prohibiting the sale, service, or delivery of liquor to an intoxicated person or a person who is apparently under the influence of liquor, and for violations of laws or rules prohibiting the purchase or consumption of liquor by a person who is apparently under the influence of liquor;

    4. Data from the healthy youth survey about youth use, access, and perceptions of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products in Washington;

    5. Information reported to the board from the department of health or the health care authority about the prevalence in Washington state of the use of alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products;

    6. Information reported to the board by the department of health and the health care authority about the amount and source of funding appropriated or available per fiscal year to the department of health and the health care authority for programs for preventing and deterring the use of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products and treating substance use disorders related to these regulated substances;

    7. Available data reported to the board by the department of health or the health care authority about:

      1. Annual health care expenditures in the state caused by liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products;

      2. Annual state medicaid total health expenditures caused by consumption or use of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products;

      3. Cessation expenditures for cigarettes or tobacco products through the school employees' benefits board and the public employees' benefits board;

      4. Annual deaths in Washington caused by smoking or consuming cigarettes, tobacco products, alcohol, vapor products, or cannabis;

    8. State spending on tobacco prevention and cessation funding as compared to funding levels recommended by the United States centers for disease control and prevention;

    1. Health equity metrics including disparities in the rates of diseases or disorders caused by or associated with the consumption or use of alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products; and

    2. Demographic impact metrics including disparities in the rates of consumption or use of alcohol, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products;

    1. The amount of the following taxes, fees, and penalties collected by the state in the most recent fiscal year:

      1. Taxes collected from the sale of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products;

      2. License fees collected related to the manufacture, distribution, and sale of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, and vapor products; and

      3. Money received from penalties imposed by the board on licensees for violations of laws related to the manufacture, distribution, or sale of liquor, cannabis, cigarettes, tobacco products, or vapor products; and

      4. The number of occurrences of, and economic impact on the regulated market from, the:

      5. Inversion of cannabis or cannabis products into the regulated cannabis system involving a person licensed under RCW 69.50.325 as a cannabis producer, processor, or retailer, purchasing or obtaining cannabis or cannabis products from an unauthorized person or source; and

      6. Diversion of cannabis or cannabis products out of the regulated cannabis system involving a person licensed under RCW 69.50.325 as a cannabis producer, processor, or retailer, selling or transferring cannabis or cannabis products to an unauthorized person or recipient.

  3. [Empty]

    1. If information required to be published on the board's website under this section is published on the website of the department of health, the health care authority, or any other agency, to avoid duplication, the board's website may reference and link to the department, authority, or other agency's website publishing the information.

    2. If information required to be published on the board's website under this section is unavailable, the board, in consultation with the department of health, the health care authority, and any other agencies the board deems appropriate, shall report this fact to the appropriate legislative committees.

    3. Within existing resources and subject to subsection (4) of this section, the board, the department of health, and the health care authority, as appropriate, shall identify and collect data that, if available, would be required to be published on the board's website pursuant to this section.

  4. All the implementation and administration of this section by the board, the department of health, the health care authority, and any other agencies the board deems appropriate to consult with in the implementation and administration of this section, shall be conducted within existing resources. The board, the department of health, the health care authority, and any other agency consulted with in implementing or administering this section shall not expend funds, other than funds within the agency's existing resources, for the implementation and administration of this section, including but not limited to expending funds for any of the following: Employing new staff, hiring workers, or otherwise increasing the agency's full or part-time employees; contracting for goods, services, or labor; traveling; creating reimbursements; entering interagency agreements; making information technology-related expenditures; making capital or operating expenditures; locating, compiling, reviewing, organizing, storing, maintaining, sharing, reporting, publishing, or updating data or information; or making any other expenditure for purposes of implementing this section not within the agency's existing resources. If information or data required under this section is unavailable to, or unobtainable by, the board, the department of health, the health care authority, or any other agencies the board deems appropriate to consult with in the implementation and administration of this section, within the board, department, authority, or agency's existing resources, the data or information is not required to be published on the board's website.

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