2025-26 Bills
Upcoming hearings
Heard bills
- HB 1921 - Transportation revenue 9π° 239π 19927π 57β - H Transportation
- HB 1334 - Property tax revenue growth 8π° 138π 12173π 50β - HFinance
- HB 1217 - Residential tenants 22π° 7639π 4244π 69β - H Rules R
- HB 1531 - Communicable disease 3π° 169π 10105π 28β - H Rules R
- SB 5222 - Residential tenants 12π° 5034π 3606π 56β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5192 - Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs. 13π° 5319π 2996π 9β - SWays & Means
- HB 1504 - Firearm financial resp. 4π° 31π 8158π 18β - HCivil R & Judi
- SB 5263 - Special education funding 13π° 5795π 283π 14β - SWays & Means
- SB 5726 - Transportation revenue 4π° 249π 5793π 15β - S Transportation
- SB 5187 - Student transportation 14π° 5149π 640π 7β - SWays & Means
- HB 1140 - Establishing empowerED scholarships using educational savings accounts. 5π° 2653π 1734π 9β - HEducation
- HB 1448 - Local elections 4π° 3004π 3940π 10β - H Approps
- SB 5179 - Education complaint process 9π° 669π 3097π 5β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1338 - School operating costs 6π° 2515π 1223π 4β - HApprops
- HB 1677 - Postsecondary/med. abortion 1π° 887π 2793π 0β - HPostsec Ed & W
- SB 5434 - Gubernatorial emergencies 4π° 3388π 85π 7β - S Rules 2
- HB 1380 - Public property regulations 6π° 1948π 1513π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1321 - Outside militia activities 7π° 406π 2968π 2β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1721 - Zero emissions vehicles/sale 3π° 830π 2456π 7β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1938 - State flag redesign 4π° 90π 3137π 4β - H State Govt & T
- SB 5517 - School staff salary alloc. 2683π 479π 31β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1339 - Even-numbered year elections 2π° 708π 2479π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1832 - Improving student performance and success. 7π° 1064π 2100π 7β - H Education
- HB 1399 - Sheriffs, chiefs, etc. 1π° 1328π 1823π 6β - H Approps
- SB 5321 - Postsecondary/med. abortion 4π° 804π 2293π 2β - SWays & Means
- SB 5382 - Ballot measure petitions 9π° 1262π 2945π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1195 - Housing & shelters 2π° 2293π 754π 14β - H Rules R
- HB 1434 - Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha 1π° 2253π 694π 100β - H Rules R
- SB 5181 - Parents rights in education 23π° 875π 1960π 2β - H Education
- SB 5099 - Firearms dealers 3π° 781π 1993π 2β - SWays & Means
- HB 1163 - Firearm purchase 12π° 792π 1975π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1303 - Environmental justice 1π° 1470π 1233π 13β - H Approps
- HB 1132 - Bulk firearm purchases 9π° 774π 1940π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1296 - Public education system 18π° 1213π 1479π 6β - H Rules R
- HB 1152 - Enhancing public safety by establishing secure storage requirements for firearms in vehicles and residences. 8π° 812π 1861π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1512 - Traffic safety 5π° 2218π 430π 11β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5189 - Competency-based education 3π° 72π 2564π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1764 - Labor standards 2π° 855π 1749π 17β - HLabor & Workpl
- SB 5678 - Residential landlord-tenant 1π° 312π 2276π 4β - S Housing
- HB 1125 - Sentence modification 7π° 1863π 3126π 10β - H Approps
- SB 5091 - Motor vehicle emissions 1848π 665π 5β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5041 - Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts 3π° 1283π 1197π 17β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5661 - Landlord-tenant/preemption 1π° 323π 2119π 4β - S Housing
- HB 1056 - Law enf. misconduct 4π° 841π 1584π 0β - HCivil R & Judi
- SB 5126 - Student mental health net. 5π° 458π 1940π 3β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1196 - Voting rights/convictions 812π 1569π 3β - H Rules R
- HB 1137 - DOC discipline 1π° 1718π 649π 8β - HApprops
- HB 1777 - Apprenticeship approval 4π° 450π 1889π 10β - H Postsec Ed & W
- HB 1881 - Health care marketplace 2π° 841π 1492π 1β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5180 - Securing the rights of students to have a safe, civil, and respectful learning community. 6π° 1049π 1258π 4β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5578 - Labor standards 1π° 771π 1407π 26β - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5098 - Weapons in certain areas 15π° 589π 3761π 5β - S Transportation
- HB 1032 - School district elections 7π° 1435π 733π 2β - HEducation
- HB 1635 - Consumer cooperative boards 2π° 2116π 24π 23β - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1876 - Death with dignity act 1089π 1055π 3β - H EL & Human Svc
- SB 5369 - Youth mental health/schools 2π° 336π 1795π 8β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5632 - Confidentiality/interstate 4π° 987π 1109π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1232 - Private detention facilities 2π° 1466π 625π 5β - H Approps
- SB 5112 - Prescribing psychologists 1391π 702π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5203 - Wildlife safe passages 868π 1185π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5050 - Presidential primary privacy 1618π 418π 6β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1462 - Hydrofluorocarbons 2π° 694π 1326π 10β - H Approps
- SB 5148 - GMA housing element 3π° 1017π 986π 9β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5123 - Discrimination in schools 10π° 740π 1776π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5007 - Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school. 1π° 288π 2225π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1710 - Voting rights act compliance 4π° 797π 3389π 4β - H Approps
- SB 5444 - New special license plates 1940π 3π 11β - STransportation
- HB 1386 - Firearms tax 7π° 583π 1339π 1β - HFinance
- SB 5011 - Labeling ballot drop boxes. 1π° 1864π 31π 13β - SWays & Means
- SB 5574 - History instruction 3π° 999π 862π 14β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1750 - Voting rights act claims 4π° 827π 3376π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1630 - Livestock methane emissions 6π° 347π 1461π 5β - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5085 - Closed retirement plans 2π° 1272π 491π 12β - S Rules 2
- HB 1745 - Election audits 2π° 1480π 284π 2β - HState Govt & T
- SB 5351 - Dental insurance practices 1473π 258π 10β - S Rules 2
- HB 1817 - Schools/sexual assault 3π° 55π 1671π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5402 - Financial aid eligibility 2π° 1278π 419π 11β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5731 - Tenant assistance program 1π° 77π 1571π 1β - S Housing
- SB 5307 - Special education funding 8π° 1399π 233π 2β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5284 - Solid waste management 2π° 1617π 245π 9β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1274 - Juvenile convictions/score 3π° 3460π 672π 24β - H Approps
- SB 5592 - Zero emissions vehicles/sale 2π° 175π 1431π 4β - SLabor & Comm
- HB 1356 - K-12 funding 6π° 80π 1455π 69β - HFinance
- HB 1367 - Right shoulder/motorcycles 1567π 21π 9β - HTransportation
- HB 1825 - Grizzly bear management 2π° 702π 887π 4β - H Ag&Nr
- HB 1598 - Community solar 1π° 1020π 570π 1β - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1634 - Behavioral health/schools 4π° 218π 1369π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5228 - Updating the governor's interagency coordinating council on health disparities. 47π 1506π 28β - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1816 - Civilian crisis resp. teams 1π° 817π 711π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5626 - Wage replacement 2π° 711π 806π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5121 - Fertility-related services 3π° 623π 875π 5β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1310 - Special education funding 5π° 1128π 365π 0β - HApprops
- HB 1535 - Dental insurance practices 1232π 241π 6β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1311 - Gray wolves 2π° 550π 920π 8β - HAg&Nr
- SB 5106 - Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha 1π° 733π 718π 18β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1937 - Industrial stormwater permit 16π 1448π 1β - H Env & Energy
- SB 5217 - Pregnancy accommodations 2π° 431π 1025π 6β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1146 - Voting in jails, hospitals 1π° 537π 901π 5β - H Approps
- SB 5083 - Health carrier reimbursement 3π° 1234π 186π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1150 - Solid waste management 5π° 2714π 697π 13β - H Approps
- SB 5712 - Industrial stormwater permit 19π 1381π 7β - S Environment, E
- HB 1491 - Transit-oriented housing dev 8π° 829π 561π 17β - H Cap Budget
- SB 5310 - Child care subsidy rates 133π 1240π 23β - SWays & Means
- HB 1687 - Social housing authorities 648π 739π 0β - H Cap Budget
- HB 1398 - Adult family home arb. 1353π 3π 29β - H Approps
- SB 5500 - Child care reimburse. rates 2π° 801π 570π 12β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1589 - Health carriers & providers 1367π 1π 10β - H Approps
- SB 5077 - Agency voter registration 5π° 274π 1078π 5β - H State Govt & Tr
- SB 5086 - PEBB & SEBB consolidation 267π 1076π 4β - SWays & Means
- SB 5541 - Future fund pilot project 1π° 245π 1089π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5184 - Minimum parking requirements 11π° 891π 409π 6β - S subst for
- SB 5080 - Financial education 4π° 101π 1203π 1β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1930 - Fish and wildlife commission 1π° 1162π 133π 7β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5177 - Considering the experiences of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups when identifying professional development resources on certain topics. 4π° 247π 1042π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5201 - Psychedelic substances 3π° 106π 1143π 29β - S Labor & Comm
- SB 5354 - Gray wolf management 895π 377π 3β - SAg & Natural R
- SB 5113 - Concerning cost-of-living adjustments for plan 1 retirees of the teachers' retirement system and public employees' retirement system. 1266π 1π 4β - SWays & Means
- HB 1485 - Services and activities fees 2π° 628π 637π 4β - H Approps
- SB 5268 - Unlawful firearm possession 1π° 1207π 54π 2β - S Rules 2
- HB 1368 - New special license plates 2π° 1231π 13π 9β - HTransportation
- HB 1166 - DOC reentry education 1π° 691π 557π 4β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1913 - Public utility tax credit 2π 1233π 2β - H Finance
- HB 1964 - Lists of individuals/PRA 40π 1188π 1β - H State Govt & T
- SB 5377 - Motor vehicle dealers 2π° 886π 330π 5β - SLabor & Comm
- HB 1299 - Minimum parking requirements 7π° 608π 603π 8β - HLocal Govt
- HB 1404 - Free school meals 5π° 804π 408π 0β - HApprops
- SB 5115 - Creating the Washington dream act service incentive program. 4π° 901π 303π 4β - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5590 - Livestock wolf predation 865π 342π 1β - SAg & Natural R
- SB 5480 - Medical debt 7π° 233π 970π 3β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5066 - Law enf. misconduct 1π° 750π 452π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5327 - Learning standards 1π° 16π 1828π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5622 - Diet pills and supplements 21π 1169π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5380 - Environmental justice 932π 244π 3β - SEnvironment, E
- HB 1442 - Gray wolf management 2π° 334π 842π 2β - HAg&Nr
- SB 5062 - Child care workforce board 1π° 154π 1008π 3β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5164 - Student navigational support 4π° 142π 1012π 7β - SWays & Means
- HB 1676 - Charter school contracts 2π° 321π 826π 6β - HEducation
- HB 1223 - Voter challenges 416π 731π 2β - HState Govt & T
- SB 5114 - Paying state retirement benefits until the end of the month in which the retiree or beneficiary dies. 1139π 4π 1β - SWays & Means
- SB 5474 - Organic, etc. agriculture 1π° 1123π 18π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1099 - Tenant assistance program 2π° 390π 749π 2β - HHousing
- HB 1561 - Domestic workers 500π 638π 2β - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1409 - Clean fuels program 2π° 289π 827π 8β - H Approps
- SB 5740 - Eviction reform 2π° 291π 827π 3β - S Housing
- SB 5438 - Hydrofluorocarbons 420π 684π 8β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5069 - Voters' pamphlets 2π° 542π 565π 2β - SWays & Means
- HB 1314 - Early learning facilities 1π° 637π 417π 40β - H Rules R
- HB 1147 - Civic engage./state custody 585π 500π 8β - H Approps
- HB 1871 - Residential energy storage 534π 551π 4β - H Finance
- HB 1916 - Voter registrations 370π 716π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5211 - DD parental caregivers 2π° 1075π 3π 5β - SWays & Means
- HB 1685 - Fish and wildlife governance 1π° 22π 1011π 46β - HAg&Nr
- SB 5362 - Crime victim services 2π° 763π 304π 6β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1971 - Prescription hormone therapy 3π° 241π 826π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1702 - Public utility tax, counties 32π 1032π 1β - HFinance
- SB 5714 - Bail bond agents/immigration 2π° 321π 728π 2β - S Rules 2
- HB 1837 - Intercity passenger rail 1π° 1032π 4π 1β - H Transportation
- HB 1565 - Dual enrollment scholarship 3π° 37π 992π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1309 - Burrowing shrimp 610π 413π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1723 - School construction projects 1π° 177π 845π 0β - HCap Budget
- SB 5652 - Reducing environmental and health disparities and improving the health of Washington state residents in large port districts. 298π 723π 0β - S Environment, E
- HB 1497 - Waste material management 875π 140π 5β - H Approps
- SB 5060 - Law enforcement personnel 6π° 209π 796π 1β - SWays & Means
- HB 1588 - Organic, etc. agriculture 970π 23π 2β - HAg&Nr
- SB 5508 - Child welfare housing assist 1π° 341π 651π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5754 - Washington state public bank 135π 852π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5009 - Student transp. allocation 1π° 465π 521π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5604 - Transit-oriented development 4π° 336π 644π 4β - SHousing
- SB 5174 - Wood burning devices 2π° 149π 828π 5β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1903 - Low-income energy assistance 1π° 494π 460π 14β - H Approps
- SB 5186 - School district elections 10π° 678π 1421π 7β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5101 - Worker leave/hate crimes 3π° 86π 867π 6β - S Rules 2
- SB 5359 - Clean energy development 428π 703π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5231 - Confinement fees & expenses 1π° 586π 612π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1875 - Sick leave/immigration 1π° 108π 826π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1119 - Supervision compliance 20π 913π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1129 - Fertility-related services 2π° 405π 503π 6β - HApprops
- SB 5557 - Pregnancy/emerg. treatment 2π° 406π 500π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1739 - Self-service checkout 6π° 172π 732π 1β - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1607 - Recycling & waste reduction 2π° 714π 180π 5β - H Approps
- HB 1131 - Clemency and pardons 1π° 208π 673π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5068 - Public employ. eligibility 1π° 10π 868π 0β - H Community Safet
- SB 5283 - Prohibiting the energy facility site evaluation council from preempting local laws that forbid the siting of certain storage facilities in critical areas. 846π 30π 0β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5723 - Airpark covenants 5π 864π 7β - S Loc Gov
- HB 1393 - Commencement/cultural exp. 1π° 13π 861π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5466 - Electric transmission system 337π 713π 10β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1489 - Childhood ed./impl. dates 4π° 36π 796π 20β - H Rules R
- HB 1896 - Local law enf. officers 1π° 247π 601π 0β - H Finance
- SB 5630 - Farm fuel users 824π 12π 5β - S Environment, E
- SB 5119 - Academic employee bargaining 2π° 451π 384π 3β - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5572 - School construction projects 57π 778π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5423 - Digital electronics/repair 5π° 824π 6π 3β - S Rules 2
- SJR 8200 - School district local funds 3π° 294π 1281π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1805 - Children services/local tax 1π° 17π 809π 0β - H Finance
- HB 1517 - Digital equity/revenue 1π° 75π 745π 4β - HFinance
- HB 1717 - Affordable housing/sales tax 2π° 107π 715π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1365 - Mobile home rental assist. 1π° 109π 709π 1β - HHousing
- SB 5732 - Housing supply/GMA 1π° 197π 618π 0β - S Housing
- HB 1118 - Concerning restoration of the right to possess a firearm. 1π° 657π 149π 4β - HCivil R & Judi
- SB 5756 - Working minors 1π° 149π 652π 4β - S Labor & Comm
- SB 5075 - Prenatal and postnatal care 1π° 795π 1π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1775 - Fur products 1π° 333π 459π 2β - H Approps
- SB 5633 - Subdivision of land 1π° 112π 653π 29β - S Loc Gov
- HB 1923 - Passenger-only ferries 2π° 783π 6π 4β - H Transportation
- SB 5352 - Free school meals 4π° 679π 114π 0β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5469 - Rental housing market 1π° 188π 593π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1525 - Vehicle sales tax/tribes 1π° 15π 764π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1940 - Cannabis industry 23π 754π 2β - H Finance
- SB 5386 - Schools/sexual assault 3π° 73π 696π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5023 - Domestic workers 4π° 460π 305π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1563 - Prescribed fire claims 281π 485π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1042 - County treasurer costs 37π 727π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1235 - GMA housing element 744π 11π 7β - HHousing
- HB 1420 - Textile producers 1π° 351π 417π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1079 - Remote testing 387π 358π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5003 - Establishing the school security and preparedness infrastructure grant program. 1π° 489π 250π 8β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1412 - Comm'n, M. East & N. Africa 122π 621π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1950 - Subcontractors, indemnifying 44π 699π 1β - H Cap Budget
- HB 1524 - Isolated employees 2π° 36π 704π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1878 - Young driver safety 1π° 11π 728π 3β - H Transportation
- SB 5043 - PTSD/correctional workers 387π 351π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1494 - Multiple-unit dwellings/tax 1π° 10π 730π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1095 - Law enforcement funding 76π 661π 2β - HFinance
- SB 5236 - Anesthetics/greenhouse gases 2π° 315π 417π 3β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5342 - Legislators/state facilities 733π 1π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5004 - School emergency response 2π° 489π 244π 0β - H Education
- SB 5033 - Biosolids/PFAS chemicals 759π 1π 15β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1116 - Election day 2π° 717π 7π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1175 - Small businesses/residential 5π° 598π 118π 7β - HApprops
- HB 1458 - Embodied carbon/buildings 3π° 202π 517π 3β - H Cap Budget
- SB 5753 - Public housing task force 1π° 2π 710π 1β - S Housing
- HB 1203 - Tobacco & nicotine products 9π° 252π 448π 10β - H Finance
- HB 1416 - Tobacco & vapor products tax 3π° 85π 616π 2β - HFinance
- HB 1763 - Affordable housing funding 2π° 10π 690π 2β - HFinance
- HB 1239 - Preparing incarcerated people for successful reentry upon release from a correctional facility. 1π° 683π 9π 5β - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1449 - Home cultivation of cannabis 1π° 180π 512π 5β - H Approps
- HB 1932 - Cannabis consumption 81π 614π 1β - H ConsPro&Bus
- SB 5662 - Utility connection charges 1π° 23π 672π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5695 - Young driver safety 25π 666π 3β - S Transportation
- HB 1696 - Covenant homeownership prg. 3π° 173π 519π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1213 - Paid family & medical leave 5π° 539π 984π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1015 - Energy labeling/residential 1π° 238π 443π 3β - HRules R
- HB 1149 - Cruelty to animals 2π° 665π 6π 10β - S Law & Justice
- SB 5253 - Special education services 3π° 291π 382π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5727 - Residential energy storage 70π 600π 3β - S Environment, E
- SB 5357 - Actuarial pension funding 20π 640π 2β - SWays & Means
- HB 1847 - Distributed alt. energy dev. 63π 593π 4β - H Finance
- HB 1214 - Working families' tax credit 2π° 654π 4π 1β - HFinance
- SB 5093 - Pregnancy loss 1π° 283π 371π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1550 - Electric vehicle batteries 619π 22π 12β - H Approps
- HB 1622 - Collective bargaining/AI use 4π° 318π 331π 3β - H Approps
- SB 5414 - Social equity impact/audits 6π 644π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5570 - Tribes/K-12 instruction 2π° 198π 465π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5691 - Continuing care oversight 638π 5π 5β - S Rules 2
- HB 1927 - Rent payment reporting 1π° 57π 582π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1506 - Credit union-bank merger/tax 1π° 125π 512π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1328 - Clean energy development 1π° 127π 501π 2β - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5669 - Irrigation dist. elections 16π 613π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1591 - Providing remedies for defendant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking. 25π 599π 3β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5109 - Concerning the mortgage lending fraud prosecution account. 1π° 14π 610π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1096 - Lot splitting 4π° 592π 17π 14β - H Rules R
- HB 1162 - Health care work violence 3π° 527π 94π 2β - HApprops
- SB 5058 - Recycling rates 44π 568π 8β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5110 - Providing tuition waivers for tribal elders at Washingtonβs community and technical colleges. 2π° 77π 542π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1153 - Urban forest management 1π° 18π 598π 1β - HAg&Nr
- HB 1926 - Home care aides 43π 572π 1β - H Approps
- SB 5355 - Higher education safety 2π° 302π 334π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5543 - College bound scholarship 32π 580π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1915 - Tenant protections 83π 513π 12β - H Housing
- HB 1713 - Automatic voter reg./tribes 441π 164π 1β - HState Govt & T
- HB 1774 - Lease of unused highway land 35π 569π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1743 - Health providers/carceral 1π° 80π 517π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1262 - Health disparities council 32π 543π 25β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5584 - Independent prosecutor 564π 32π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1732 - Home buying by entities 5π° 109π 484π 4β - HHousing
- HB 1285 - Financial education 8π° 134π 461π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1430 - APRN & PA reimbursement 568π 21π 4β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5482 - Use of dogs to hunt 1π° 329π 264π 0β - SAg & Natural R
- HB 1692 - Tribes/PRA exemption 12π 577π 3β - HState Govt & T
- HB 1052 - Hate crime offense 5π° 14π 576π 1β - S Law & Justice
- HB 1773 - Wage replacement 571π 17π 3β - H Approps
- SB 5593 - School levies & local effort 1π° 14π 522π 44β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1843 - Students/unemployment ins. 17π 560π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5502 - Recycling & waste reduction 1π° 120π 660π 6β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1694 - City & county REET revenues 22π 552π 1β - HFinance
- SB 5067 - Impaired driving 7π° 148π 424π 3β - STransportation
- SB 5573 - Electric security alarms 90π 485π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1325 - Fish & wildlife enforcement 22π 552π 0β - S Ag & Natural Re
- HB 1631 - State marine forest 3π° 569π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5171 - Wolf predation 519π 49π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1180 - Sex offender failure to reg. 2π° 409π 156π 3β - H Rules R
- HB 1427 - Peer support specialists 21π 542π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1534 - Tobacco, nicotine, and vapor 3π° 123π 441π 3β - H Approps
- SB 5670 - Fuel tax assistance grants 149π 414π 0β - S EL/K-12
- SB 5358 - Career & tech. ed./6th grade 2π° 168π 390π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5397 - CTC faculty w/o tenure limit 1π° 154π 402π 1β - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5403 - Cannabis industry 231π 322π 4β - S Rules 2
- SB 5450 - Sewage-containing spills 2π° 553π 0π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1574 - Protecting access to life-saving care and substance use services. 37π 514π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5193 - Remote testing 1π° 514π 28π 9β - SRules 2
- SB 5297 - Early learning facilities 133π 417π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5234 - Snowmobile registration fees 16π 532π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1652 - Ocean vessels/environment 2π° 525π 19π 4β - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5497 - Housing & shelters 476π 66π 6β - SHousing
- HB 1200 - DD parental caregivers 1π° 541π 1π 5β - H Approps
- HB 1267 - Special education funding 3π° 172π 368π 4β - HApprops
- SB 5498 - Contraceptive coverage 2π° 540π 3π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1261 - Open space incidental use 139π 397π 4β - H Rules R
- HB 1123 - Health carrier reimbursement 3π° 400π 136π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1357 - Special education funding 5π° 123π 412π 3β - HApprops
- HB 1289 - Public school survey info. 2π° 31π 505π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1173 - High-hazard facility wages 1π° 454π 75π 7β - HRules R
- SB 5540 - Students/unemployment ins. 1π° 27π 508π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1483 - Digital electronics/repair 4π° 525π 7π 2β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5551 - School library info and tech 463π 64π 7β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1583 - Traditional health/medicaid 48π 483π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1282 - Child care 6π 522π 2β - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1154 - Solid waste handling 515π 7π 6β - H Rules R
- SB 5317 - Exempting local governments providing certain services for projects under the jurisdiction of the energy facility siting evaluation council from certain appeals. 51π 458π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5400 - Local news journalism 5π° 424π 81π 5β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5648 - ABLE accounts 1π° 40π 467π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1670 - Sewage-containing spills 844π 1π 4β - H Approps
- SB 5275 - Passport to careers program 2π° 129π 372π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5606 - Long-term care ombud funding 494π 3π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1107 - Concerning environmental impacts of fashion. 3π° 189π 308π 2β - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1867 - Affordable housing REET 270π 226π 1β - H Finance
- HB 1317 - Concerning persons serving long sentences for offenses committed prior to reaching 21 years of age. 1π° 470π 15π 5β - H Approps
- HB 1039 - Gov. services/tribal lands 4π 485π 0β - S Loc Gov
- SB 5390 - Discover pass, day-use cost 39π 449π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1432 - Mental health services 478π 3π 2β - H Approps
- SB 5008 - Supporting the use of assessment, diagnostic, and learning tools in public schools. 82π 401π 0β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5330 - Spiked drink testing 2π° 40π 440π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1689 - Emissions/vessels at berth 2π° 454π 21π 3β - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1135 - Local government planning 467π 4π 4β - H Rules R
- SB 5519 - Ocean vessels/environment 1π° 416π 55π 4β - SEnvironment, E
- HB 1178 - Sentencing enhancements 4π° 176π 295π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5082 - Extended foster care/housing 2π° 249π 223π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1673 - Electric transmission system 3π° 41π 421π 9β - H Approps
- HB 1557 - Guaranteed admissions prg. 6π° 25π 442π 3β - H Approps
- HB 1435 - Law enf. hiring grants 4π° 160π 309π 0β - HApprops
- SB 5329 - Smoke detector installation 7π 456π 1β - SHousing
- HB 1587 - Partner promise scholarships 4π° 33π 426π 1β - H Approps
- SB 5470 - Detached ADUs 2π° 50π 399π 5β - S Rules 2
- HB 1827 - Basic education/juv. justice 28π 425π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1091 - SVP supervision credit 1π° 442π 7π 0β - HRules R
- HB 1133 - Sexually violent predators 1π° 408π 37π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1258 - Providing funding for municipalities participating in the regional 911 emergency communications system. 1π° 218π 228π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1642 - Pension plan choice 442π 1π 1β - HApprops
- HB 1428 - Criminal justice assistance 39π 402π 2β - HApprops
- HB 1657 - Washington 13 free guarantee 4π° 9π 432π 0β - HPostsec Ed & W
- SB 5372 - Medicaid access program 334π 102π 3β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5313 - Rental agreement provisions 1π° 334π 100π 1β - S Passed 3rd
- HB 1001 - Concerning capital projects for the provision of fire protection services. 1π° 48π 380π 1β - HCap Budget
- HB 1423 - Vehicle noise cameras 19π 404π 0β - HTransportation
- SB 5505 - Universal communications 69π 354π 0β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5548 - Workers' compensation 268π 148π 6β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5152 - Concerning state employee access to peer-reviewed journals. 46π 374π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1668 - Community custody 2π° 373π 47π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5308 - Guaranteed admissions prg. 34π 385π 1β - SHigher Ed & Wo
- HB 1463 - Cash assistance time limits 398π 18π 3β - HEL & Human Svc
- SB 5104 - Immigration status coercion 3π° 137π 278π 4β - H Labor & Workpla
- SB 5166 - Operating budget, supp. 163π 159π 97β - SWays & Means
- HB 1128 - Child care workforce board 4π° 114π 301π 2β - H Approps
- SB 5374 - Transportation/tribal rep. 1π° 16π 398π 3β - S Rules 2
- SB 5249 - Kit home siting 2π° 56π 358π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5680 - Mobility equipment repair 416π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1301 - Confinement fees & expenses 1π° 377π 34π 1β - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1735 - Force-feeding of birds 3π° 347π 62π 1β - HAg&Nr
- HB 1011 - Creating a school safety capital grant program. 2π° 48π 361π 0β - HCap Budget
- SB 5118 - International medical grads 2π° 12π 392π 5β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5539 - Paid family & medical leave 95π 312π 1β - SLabor & Comm
- HB 1204 - Senior shared housing 394π 4π 9β - H Rules R
- HB 1249 - Creating the commercial liftoff for energy from advanced nuclear advisory commission. 3π° 109π 298π 0β - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1606 - Journal access/state empl. 9π 398π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5729 - Housing permitting 1π° 394π 12π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1075 - Affordable housing financing 1π° 375π 30π 1β - SHousing
- SB 5285 - Law enf. officers/increase 109π 297π 0β - SLoc Gov
- HB 1057 - Access to federal funds 2π° 87π 317π 0β - HApprops
- HB 1138 - Improving public safety by implementing evidence-based interview practices that increase the reliability of statements collected during criminal investigations. 1π° 384π 18π 1β - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1022 - Homes for heroes program 7π° 371π 27π 1β - HCap Budget
- HB 1429 - Extended foster care/housing 1π° 397π 1π 1β - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1308 - Access to personnel records 266π 129π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5070 - Interchange fees on tips 4π° 334π 60π 2β - SLabor & Comm
- HB 1826 - Establishing a right to repair for mobility equipment for persons with physical disabilities. 394π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5391 - Sustainable farms grants 1π° 38π 355π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1141 - Ag. cannabis workers 3π° 193π 194π 1β - HRules R
- HB 1473 - Wildfire BSA appropriations 7π 378π 1β - HApprops
- SB 5412 - Interfund loans/schools 7π 379π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5654 - Student restraint, isolation 304π 31π 47β - S EL/K-12
- HB 1077 - IUD pain control options 16π 362π 3β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1136 - Student navigational support 2π° 69π 302π 7β - HApprops
- SB 5298 - Mobile home community sale 366π 5π 7β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5175 - Photovoltaic modules 81π 293π 3β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5312 - Net nanny operations 3π° 309π 63π 1β - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5183 - Tobacco & nicotine products 2π° 173π 195π 4β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5210 - Ninth grade success grants 2π° 101π 269π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5429 - State building code council 185π 184π 1β - SLoc Gov
- SB 5596 - Interstate teacher compact 338π 30π 2β - S Rules 2
- HB 1183 - Building codes 2π° 318π 715π 7β - HApprops
- HB 1707 - Noxious weeds list/crops 286π 76π 5β - H Rules R
- HB 1768 - Manuf. housing purchases 4π° 152π 214π 1β - H Approps
- SB 5296 - Juvenile offenses 4π° 55π 504π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1639 - Medicare advantage discl. 1π° 355π 3π 2β - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5030 - Vital records access 1π° 35π 323π 2β - SWays & Means
- SB 5165 - Deer and elk damage 351π 8π 1β - S subst for
- SB 5479 - Open space incidental use 72π 286π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1474 - PERS/TRS 1 benefit increase 2π° 340π 7π 11β - HApprops
- HB 1098 - County local roads 102π 251π 4β - H Rules R
- HB 1392 - Medicaid access program 255π 98π 3β - HApprops
- HB 1185 - Concerning membership on the correctional industries advisory committee. 351π 3π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1402 - Job posting/driver's license 2π° 342π 10π 3β - H Approps
- SB 5122 - Uniform antitrust premerger 350π 1π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5027 - Law school loan repayment 67π 471π 1β - SWays & Means
- HB 1063 - Earned wage access services 1π° 67π 270π 10β - H Approps
- SB 5273 - Concerning the availability of community violence prevention and intervention services. 251π 94π 0β - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1142 - In-home care training 3π° 56π 286π 1β - S Health & Long-T
- SB 5120 - Learning assistance program 3π° 335π 7π 0β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1834 - Online services/minors 3π° 329π 11π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5587 - Affordable housing dev. 1π° 280π 54π 6β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1882 - State tax on lodging 5π 330π 1β - H Finance
- SB 5094 - Concerning sexually explicit depictions of minors. 142π 190π 4β - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5445 - Local energy resilience 323π 4π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5282 - Missing children adv. board 2π° 321π 4π 1β - S subst for
- SB 5461 - Intensive rural dev. areas 48π 275π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1252 - Pretrial release 7π° 295π 28π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1782 - Campaign reporting timeline 2π° 104π 220π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5595 - Shared streets 189π 129π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1237 - Facilitating predictable and timely application decisions by the energy facility site evaluation council. 1π° 38π 273π 7β - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1651 - Teacher residency & apprent. 5π° 52π 266π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5581 - Safe system approach strat. 265π 51π 2β - STransportation
- HB 1055 - Transparency ombuds study 13π 295π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1340 - Prepared food sales tax 4π° 282π 27π 0β - HFinance
- SB 5205 - College grant award amounts 8π 297π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1772 - Shared streets 2π° 124π 180π 1β - HTransportation
- SB 5103 - Expediting review of sentences when there exists a pending deportation proceeding. 3π° 11π 292π 0β - H Community Safet
- HB 1858 - Deed of trust assignment/fee 292π 9π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1198 - Operating budget 1π° 164π 61π 71β - HApprops
- SB 5375 - Clergy, duty to report abuse 8π° 184π 109π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1184 - Creating a narrow exemption from overtime provisions for certain nonprofits and small businesses. 1π° 230π 62π 0β - HLabor & Workpl
- SB 5017 - Uniformed & overseas voting 4π° 21π 270π 1β - H State Govt & Tr
- SB 5343 - NE WA wolf-livestock account 214π 77π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1307 - Child care product sales tax 5π° 286π 4π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1418 - PTBA governing body members 1π° 286π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1070 - PTSD/correctional workers 1π° 268π 15π 4β - H Approps
- SB 5266 - Early release petitions 1π° 253π 33π 0β - SWays & Means
- HB 1199 - Strengthening consumer protection through increased insurer accountability for violations of the insurance code. 282π 0π 3β - HConsPro&Bus
- SB 5422 - Collective bargaining/AI use 1π° 273π 9π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1564 - Child care assist./B&O tax 5π° 276π 5π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1160 - Local gov. design review 1π° 229π 43π 9β - H Rules R
- HB 1623 - Tips/credit card fees 1π° 125π 426π 1β - H Approps
- SB 5387 - Corp practice of health care 5π° 256π 5π 16β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1245 - Electrical transmission cap. 36π 237π 2β - HTech, Econ Dev
- HB 1264 - Ferry system salaries 3π° 272π 1π 2β - H Transportation
- SB 5436 - Worship/access interference 272π 3π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1218 - Competency eval. & restor. 1π° 10π 255π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1576 - Historic landmarks/cities 2π° 93π 174π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1912 - Agricultural fuel/CCA ex. 235π 24π 6β - H Approps
- HB 1211 - Clergy, duty to report abuse 5π° 158π 99π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5261 - Nonconsumptive hydropower 5π 251π 1β - SAg & Natural R
- HB 1240 - Vehicle impounds 2π° 191π 62π 2β - HTransportation
- HB 1051 - IEP team meetings/recording 4π° 237π 16π 1β - HEducation
- HB 1720 - Community care/Rx assistance 251π 0π 3β - S Health & Long-T
- HB 1620 - Parenting plan limitations 112π 137π 2β - H Rules R
- SB 5496 - Home buying by entities 4π° 150π 100π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1568 - Financial aid eligibility 3π° 235π 14π 1β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1312 - Retirement benefits/death 249π 0π 0β - HApprops
- HB 1114 - Concerning the respiratory care interstate compact. 1π° 242π 0π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1363 - Child care licensing 4π° 202π 39π 0β - HEL & Human Svc
- SB 5291 - Long-term services trust 226π 7π 7β - S Rules 2
- HB 1974 - Land banking authorities 179π 57π 1β - H Housing
- HB 1499 - Legal financial obligations 220π 15π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1788 - Workers' compensation 131π 103π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1492 - Students with dependents 225π 4π 5β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1395 - Home care worker background 2π° 196π 12π 25β - H Rules R
- SB 5684 - Electioneering/auditors 227π 5π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1158 - Community inclusion services 1π° 84π 144π 3β - HEL & Human Svc
- SB 5509 - Child care center siting 214π 7π 7β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1443 - Mobile dwellings 2π° 187π 689π 8β - H Approps
- HB 1671 - Personal data privacy 3π° 31π 193π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1403 - Condominium construction 2π° 221π 4π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5065 - Traveling animal acts 218π 5π 1β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5501 - Employee driving requirement 1π° 182π 36π 2β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5395 - Prior authorization/health 200π 18π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5554 - Historic landmark desig. 2π° 59π 157π 2β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1709 - Adrenal insufficiency care 216π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5490 - Jail searches/gender 1π° 143π 72π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5747 - Affordable housing/exemption 1π° 201π 12π 3β - S Housing
- HB 1518 - Vehicle collision liability 125π 88π 2β - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1968 - Controlled sub. endangerment 1π° 205π 9π 0β - H Community Safe
- HB 1315 - Impaired driving 3π° 40π 167π 5β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5036 - Statewide emissions data 189π 19π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1381 - Elections/language assist. 180π 30π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1604 - Jail searches/gender 1π° 140π 65π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1747 - Job applicants and employees 172π 33π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1854 - Rural areas/subdivision 199π 5π 2β - H Local Govt
- HB 1069 - Supp. retirement bargaining 1π° 201π 0π 4β - S Labor & Comm
- SB 5426 - Court alternatives/youth 1π° 128π 71π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5666 - Mental health internships 95π 105π 0β - S Higher Ed & Wo
- SB 5703 - Municipal solid waste 1π° 128π 68π 4β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5504 - Complex care serv./children 191π 1π 3β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5005 - Jail system 8π° 183π 9π 2β - SWays & Means
- SB 5095 - School construction debt 4π° 61π 132π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5463 - Industrial insurance/duties 158π 36π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5733 - Updating comprehensive plans 1π° 188π 5π 1β - S Housing
- SB 5092 - Farm machinery sales tax 192π 1π 0β - SAg & Natural R
- SB 5708 - Online services/minors 1π° 187π 6π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5225 - Candidates w/ similar names 168π 17π 7β - S Rules 2
- SB 5567 - Natural resources careers 2π° 173π 16π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5442 - College promise pilot 1π° 140π 47π 1β - SHigher Ed & Wo
- HB 1375 - Estate tax exclusion 185π 2π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1538 - Capital assistance/schools 3π° 183π 3π 1β - HCap Budget
- HB 1570 - Academic employee bargaining 1008π 608π 5β - H Approps
- SB 5368 - Alcohol taxes and fees study 179π 3π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1111 - Concerning the indeterminate sentence review board. 2π° 167π 17π 0β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5254 - Health care information 151π 33π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1545 - Cardiac and stroke outcomes 53π 126π 2β - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5408 - Wage and salary disclosures 105π 71π 4β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1276 - Organized retail theft 3π° 174π 3π 2β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5610 - Horse racing/federal costs 1π° 123π 53π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1121 - Work restrictions/age 16, 17 176π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1813 - Medical assist reprocurement 171π 0π 5β - H Approps
- HB 1414 - CTE careers work group 2π° 175π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1438 - Housing permit approval 3π° 167π 6π 0β - HLocal Govt
- HB 1795 - Student restraint, isolation 3π° 114π 25π 33β - H Approps
- HB 1656 - Wildfire costs/securitizing 2π° 166π 4π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5612 - Multiunit housing/SEPA 1π° 164π 6π 0β - SHousing
- HB 1215 - Natural death act/pregnancy 1π° 60π 109π 0β - S Law & Justice
- SB 5491 - Prescribed fire claims 167π 1π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5014 - Election security 166π 0π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1164 - Urban growth area boundaries 2π° 118π 46π 2β - HLocal Govt
- HB 1437 - Tourism promotion 164π 2π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5054 - Winery tax exemption 148π 13π 5β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5494 - Lead-based paint 1π° 13π 155π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1037 - PFD formation 197π 0π 0β - HFinance
- SB 5064 - Rare diseases adv. council 121π 42π 1β - SWays & Means
- HB 1450 - Transition to kindergarten 1π° 13π 132π 18β - H Approps
- HB 1278 - Higher ed. gov./students 157π 4π 1β - HPostsec Ed & W
- SB 5335 - Rural nursing education 1π° 158π 1π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1379 - Health carrier reporting 161π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5309 - Motorcycles/weight fees 151π 9π 1β - STransportation
- SB 5079 - DSHS overpayments 159π 1π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1384 - Winery tax exemption 146π 10π 3β - HFinance
- HB 1493 - DDA employment services age 152π 6π 1β - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1859 - Housing dev./religious orgs. 156π 1π 2β - H Finance
- SB 5421 - Small businesses/residential 1π° 107π 44π 8β - SLoc Gov
- SB 5437 - Noncompetition agreements 59π 99π 1β - SLabor & Comm
- HB 1209 - Sodium nitrite 5π° 152π 4π 2β - S Business, Fin S
- SB 5371 - Wine & spirit sales limits 20π 138π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1068 - DOC WMS employee arbitration 150π 3π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1539 - Wildfire protection 2π° 121π 11π 22β - H Rules R
- SB 5600 - TNCs/large-scale events 138π 5π 10β - S Rules 2
- HB 1090 - Contraceptive coverage 1π° 152π 0π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1654 - International fire code 10π 141π 0β - HLocal Govt
- SB 5758 - Cannabis licensees/distance 77π 72π 2β - S Rules 2
- HB 1033 - Child care local licensing 4π° 114π 36π 0β - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1177 - Child welfare housing assist 1π° 150π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1265 - Commercial sexual exploit. 28π 122π 0β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5344 - Essential worker health care 129π 6π 15β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1686 - Health care entity registry 3π° 142π 3π 3β - H Approps
- SB 5292 - Family & medical leave rates 23π 121π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1734 - Outdoor learning grants 142π 5π 0β - HCap Budget
- SB 5063 - Freight railroad infra. 147π 0π 0β - SWays & Means
- HB 1527 - Health care claims mediation 9π 137π 0β - HCivil R & Judi
- SB 5511 - Low-proof alcohol beverages 128π 14π 2β - SLabor & Comm
- HB 1426 - Impaired driving civil order 2π° 124π 13π 5β - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1332 - Transp. network companies 110π 12π 19β - H Rules R
- HB 1016 - Providing employer tax incentives for the support of veterans and military families. 2π° 138π 1π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1071 - Recycling rates 1π° 92π 1159π 10β - H Approps
- SB 5528 - Transp. electrification 112π 26π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5190 - School building energy perf. 132π 2π 3β - SEnvironment, E
- HB 1189 - Addressing parental involvement through volunteering in schools after a criminal conviction. 2π° 130π 5π 0β - HEducation
- HB 1987 - Food security strategy 87π 47π 1β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5130 - Eliminating child care licensing fees. 1π° 131π 4π 0β - SWays & Means
- HB 1257 - Special education services 4π° 121π 13π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5620 - Foster care/rights of child 1π° 133π 1π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1596 - Concerning accountability for persons for speeding. 4π° 71π 60π 2β - HTransportation
- SB 5699 - Intensive rural development 121π 11π 1β - S Loc Gov
- HB 1036 - Labor trustees/colleges 114π 17π 1β - HRules R
- HB 1065 - Family burial grounds 3π° 128π 4π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1206 - Expanding eligibility to utilize the multifamily tax exemption program to all counties required or choosing to plan under RCW 36.70A.040. 121π 11π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1754 - Medicare suppl./guaranteed 129π 2π 1β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1254 - Wildland urban interface 2π° 94π 30π 7β - H Rules R
- HB 1533 - Specialty electricians 125π 5π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1658 - History museum funding 128π 2π 0β - HLocal Govt
- HB 1074 - Hit & run/first-time waiver 124π 3π 2β - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5059 - Ferry captains 120π 8π 0β - STransportation
- HB 1343 - Higher ed./loss of aid 2π° 126π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5689 - Drivers' licenses/blood type 122π 4π 1β - S Transportation
- HB 1216 - Capital budget 2π° 45π 39π 40β - HCap Budget
- HB 1514 - Low carbon thermal energy 313π 50π 7β - H Approps
- HB 1703 - Equine industry 114π 8π 2β - HFinance
- SB 5488 - DCYF/financial stability 122π 1π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5655 - Child care centers/buildings 119π 4π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1102 - Veteran support and services 1π° 132π 5π 4β - H Finance
- SB 5111 - Concerning the excise tax treatment of amounts received by title and escrow businesses from clients for remittance to a county filing office for the purpose of recording documents. 117π 3π 2β - SWays & Means
- HB 1614 - Capital gains tax 11π 109π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1182 - Parks & rec./interest arb. 117π 3π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1061 - Residential parking 113π 5π 1β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1433 - Psychedelic substances 4π° 64π 39π 16β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1076 - Health technology assessment 117π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1728 - Estate tax/nonfamilial heir 117π 0π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1819 - Transmission capacity 2π° 110π 8π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5722 - Local farming grant program 86π 24π 8β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1636 - Wine & spirit sales limits 2π° 15π 102π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5686 - Foreclosure mediation prg. 111π 4π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1085 - School safety/penalties 3π° 170π 15π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1297 - Child support/self-employed 1π° 6π 106π 2β - H Exec Action
- SB 5485 - Livestock identification 112π 1π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1108 - Housing cost task force 97π 5π 11β - HApprops
- HB 1188 - Requiring local government and tribal approval of wind and solar siting recommendations by the energy facility site evaluation council. 2π° 86π 27π 0β - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5195 - Capital budget 1π° 42π 37π 34β - SWays & Means
- SB 5615 - Residential housing permits 1π° 105π 6π 2β - SHousing
- SB 5738 - Retired employees/work 111π 1π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1190 - Allowing additional health professions to access the University of Washington health sciences library. 110π 1π 0β - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1263 - Essential needs program uses 1π° 102π 9π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1608 - Farmed octopus 109π 2π 0β - HAg&Nr
- SB 5627 - Safe excavation 90π 12π 9β - S Rules 2
- HB 1062 - Biomarker testing coverage 1π° 77π 30π 3β - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5741 - Housing court commissioners 106π 4π 0β - S Housing
- SB 5107 - Concerning underinsured motorist coverage for local government employees. 55π 50π 1β - SLoc Gov
- HB 1969 - Law enf. aviation support 100π 1π 4β - H Approps
- SB 5265 - Electrical inspector exp. 74π 31π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5651 - Garnishment exemptions 1π° 52π 50π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1726 - WA lumber mills/public works 2π° 97π 5π 2β - HCap Budget
- SB 5105 - Sexually explicit depictions 3π° 98π 4π 2β - H Community Safet
- SB 5559 - UGA subdivision process 1π° 98π 3π 2β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1043 - Commute trip reduction 75π 27π 0β - HFinance
- SB 5360 - Environmental crimes 17π 80π 5β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1212 - Child care center siting 1π° 179π 2π 1β - HApprops
- SB 5270 - Providing mentors to novice nurses in the beginning educator support team program. 86π 10π 5β - SEL/K-12
- HB 1348 - Cannabis/employee ownership 2π° 21π 77π 2β - HConsPro&Bus
- SB 5611 - Land use permitting workload 91π 6π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1719 - Liquor licensee events 2π° 97π 2π 0β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1906 - Water system rates 43π 52π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1351 - ECEAP age requirements 93π 4π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1592 - Public defense services 94π 1π 3β - H Approps
- HB 1804 - Community solar projects 1π° 79π 16π 3β - H Finance
- SB 5507 - Massage therapy coverage 97π 1π 0β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5634 - Community solar projects 42π 52π 4β - S Environment, E
- HB 1259 - Concerning supervision requirements for behavioral health professionals in elementary and secondary public schools. 57π 37π 3β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1344 - Respite care 97π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1648 - Child care qualifications 93π 3π 1β - H Approps
- SB 5492 - Tourism promotion 57π 40π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1760 - Manufactured homes/org. sale 94π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5019 - Medication dispensing 96π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5385 - Timberland definition/REET 96π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5534 - Spring blade knives 95π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1762 - Higher ed./residence req. 90π 5π 0β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1346 - Cannabis industry 2π° 9π 82π 3β - HConsPro&Bus
- SB 5660 - Water & sewage system access 1π° 89π 5π 0β - S Loc Gov
- SB 5117 - Agriculture impacts 93π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5208 - Clean energy fund program 55π 38π 0β - SEnvironment, E
- HB 1751 - Course materials sales tax 1π° 76π 16π 0β - HFinance
- SB 5721 - Automobile insurance 83π 9π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1406 - Associate development orgs 2π° 168π 3π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1457 - SVP electronic monitoring 2π° 89π 2π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1549 - Responsible bidder criteria 2π° 73π 17π 2β - H Cap Budget
- HB 1644 - Working minors 3π° 69π 21π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5232 - Essential needs program uses 1π° 85π 6π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5410 - Veteran parking privileges 89π 2π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1002 - Recognizing posttraumatic stress disorder as an occupational disease for county coroners, examiners, and investigative personnel. 1π° 85π 4π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1887 - Data broker registry & tax 1π 86π 3β - H ConsPro&Bus
- HB 1519 - Vehicle subagent fees 75π 14π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1233 - Concerning work programs for incarcerated persons. 79π 6π 3β - H Approps
- HB 1603 - Medicare supp. coverage 83π 2π 3β - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5454 - Dairy inspection program 43π 44π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1815 - Prison riot offenses 59π 25π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5227 - Child sex dolls 1π° 81π 4π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5658 - Workforce education account 16π 70π 1β - S Higher Ed & Wo
- SB 5705 - Traffic infraction penalties 83π 4π 0β - S Transportation
- SB 5719 - Local gov. hearing examiners 38π 47π 2β - S Rules 2
- HB 1210 - Urban area tax preferences 78π 3π 5β - H Rules R
- HB 1551 - Cannabis social equity prg. 2π° 6π 76π 4β - H Rules R
- HB 1936 - Schools/postretirement 86π 0π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5647 - Affordable housing/REET 35π 51π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1238 - Rare diseases adv. council 53π 30π 2β - HApprops
- HB 1688 - Electric security alarms 85π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1796 - School construction debt 2π° 22π 63π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5053 - PFD formation 84π 1π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5671 - Broadband grant & loan prg. 1π° 7π 77π 1β - S Environment, E
- HB 1408 - Community authority funding 1π° 78π 5π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1808 - Homeownership revolving loan 85π 2π 1β - H Cap Budget
- SB 5384 - Riparian programs review 78π 3π 1β - SAg & Natural R
- HB 1115 - Concerning the excise tax treatment of amounts received by title and escrow businesses from clients for remittance to a county filing office for the purpose of recording documents. 79π 0π 2β - HFinance
- HB 1390 - Community protection program 39π 39π 2β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1566 - Prior authorization/health 75π 5π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1712 - Qualified biomass facilities 65π 11π 4β - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5552 - Kit homes/building codes 1π° 77π 2π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5643 - Child fatality reviews 79π 0π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1106 - Recognizing the tremendous sacrifices made by our military veterans by phasing down the disability rating requirements to ensure more disabled veterans are eligible for property tax relief. 76π 3π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1684 - Water recreation facilities 6π 70π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5333 - Eluding & resisting arrest 1π° 69π 9π 1β - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5456 - Cannabis industry 10π 68π 1β - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5629 - Prosthetic limb coverage 71π 6π 2β - S Rules 2
- HB 1397 - Local property tax levies 2π° 74π 4π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1503 - Digital equity 3π° 26π 48π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1824 - Accredited birthing centers 77π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5332 - Mobile dwellings 1π° 54π 23π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1647 - Surface mine reclamation 2π 75π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5326 - Insulin emergency supply 71π 6π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5088 - Public utility tax, counties 1π° 0π 76π 0β - SLoc Gov
- HB 1567 - Health care administrators 65π 10π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1582 - Concerning child care centers operated in existing buildings. 73π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5176 - Prompt pay/capital projects 68π 3π 8β - SWays & Means
- SB 5304 - Homelessness/tribal colleges 2π° 73π 1π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1783 - Law enf. officers/colleges 64π 10π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5229 - Opioid overdose/civil commit 57π 15π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5525 - Layoffs 1π° 25π 49π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5694 - Boiler operator cert. 22π 52π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5716 - Transit conduct/ferries 1π° 73π 1π 0β - S Transportation
- HB 1821 - Interested party/prev. wage 67π 6π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1035 - Higher ed. traumatic stress 49π 22π 1β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1976 - Release of pets & plants 9π 62π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5061 - Public works wages 52π 67π 6β - S Transportation
- SB 5420 - Veteran benefits access 72π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5459 - Call center retention 71π 0π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1742 - Urban design/environment 21π 48π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1898 - Truck and trailer length 70π 1π 0β - H Transportation
- SB 5613 - Residential development 1π° 51π 19π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1019 - Tax incentives for farmers 26π 43π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1155 - Noncompetition agreements 4π° 54π 16π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1273 - Dual credit program access 3π° 68π 0π 2β - H Approps
- SB 5074 - Turfgrass seed contracts 69π 0π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1229 - Persistent offenders 1π° 56π 13π 0β - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1553 - Dairy inspection program 100π 8π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1345 - Detached ADU limits 1π° 16π 49π 3β - H Rules R
- SB 5701 - Prevailing wage/records 64π 4π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1385 - Background checks 1π° 67π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1809 - Behavioral health response 65π 0π 2β - H HC/Wellness
- SB 5493 - Hospital price transparency 3π° 33π 31π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1047 - Fire district equip. taxes 1π° 65π 1π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1058 - Freight railroad infra. 1π° 66π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1645 - Automobile insurance 59π 5π 2β - HConsPro&Bus
- SB 5272 - School safety/penalties 3π° 61π 4π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5523 - Higher ed. gov./students 67π 2π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1082 - Child care provider qualif. 64π 1π 0β - HEL & Human Svc
- SB 5430 - Utility wildfire mitigation 62π 2π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5503 - Public employee bargaining 60π 4π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1359 - Criminal insanity 20π 41π 3β - H Approps
- HB 1949 - Scholarly communications/PRA 60π 3π 1β - H State Govt & T
- SB 5200 - Veteran medical foster homes 58π 0π 6β - S Rules 2
- SB 5637 - Media literacy & civic ed. 1π° 28π 35π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1113 - Misdemeanor dismissal 3π° 28π 30π 5β - H Rules R
- HB 1400 - Officer certification 1π° 46π 17π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1705 - Large animal veterinarians 62π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1966 - Public works contracting 53π 10π 0β - H Local Govt
- HB 1094 - Providing a property tax exemption for property owned by a qualifying nonprofit organization and loaned, leased, or rented to and used by any government entity to provide character-building, benevolent, protective, or rehabilitative social services. 23π 38π 1β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1444 - Whole genome sequencing 62π 0π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5334 - DNR civil enforcement appeal 62π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5536 - Property distrib./divorce 62π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5601 - Alternative jet fuels 1π° 50π 8π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1371 - Veteran parking privileges 60π 1π 0β - S Transportation
- HB 1486 - Student member on SBCTC 57π 1π 3β - H Rules R
- HB 1759 - Day of the 12s 4π° 57π 3π 1β - S State Gov/Trib
- SB 5156 - Elevators/smaller apartments 2π° 53π 6π 2β - S subst for
- HB 1004 - Increasing the personal property tax exemption. 1π° 59π 1π 0β - HRules R
- SB 5418 - Charter school contracts 60π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5453 - Public defense recruitment 60π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5677 - Associate development orgs 60π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1422 - Drug take-back program 40π 17π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1488 - Conservation district limits 20π 38π 1β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1811 - Crisis co-response 1π° 59π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1857 - Asbestos building materials 56π 3π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5155 - Salmon recovery projects 44π 7π 8β - SWays & Means
- SB 5749 - Housing opportunity zones 2π° 58π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1139 - Unlawful firearm possession 3π° 46π 12π 0β - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1957 - Health plan rate approval 55π 2π 1β - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1028 - Child exposure to violence 56π 0π 1β - S Human Services
- HB 1272 - Children in crisis program 57π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1313 - Mass layoffs 3π° 45π 10π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1322 - Juvenile offenses 35π 19π 3β - H Approps
- HB 1975 - Climate commitment act 26π 26π 5β - H Approps
- SB 5558 - Growth management comp plans 52π 3π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5563 - Horse racing 54π 3π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5672 - Home care aide certification 57π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1602 - Liquor food service options 55π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1170 - AI content notices 23π 31π 0β - HRules R
- HB 1446 - George Washington's birthday 1π° 45π 9π 0β - HState Govt & T
- SB 5433 - DOC employee bargaining 53π 0π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5605 - Microenterprise home kitchen 5π 49π 0β - SAg & Natural R
- SB 5628 - Lead in cookware 8π 45π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1054 - County ferry contracts 51π 0π 2β - S Loc Gov
- SB 5251 - Lodging tax revenues 17π 36π 0β - SBusiness, Fin
- SB 5353 - Diabetes and obesity 50π 0π 3β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5683 - Health carrier payment times 52π 0π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1376 - Capital gains tax prepayment 51π 0π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1879 - Hospital worker breaks 1π° 51π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5178 - Sodium nitrite 49π 3π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5486 - Motion picture captioning 46π 4π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1516 - Insurance/affordable units 51π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1543 - Clean buildings standard 18π 32π 1β - S Environment, En
- HB 1724 - POLST orders 51π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HJM 4000 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Way 10π 41π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1048 - Rangeland fire pilot 1π° 45π 0π 5β - H Approps
- HB 1391 - Court alternatives/youth 48π 2π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1573 - Oath of office timing/local 25π 25π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5314 - Capital gains tax 19π 31π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5510 - Conservation district limits 15π 34π 1β - S Rules 2
- HB 1722 - Secondary career education 2π° 49π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1941 - Agricultural coops/cannabis 1π° 10π 37π 2β - H Ag&Nr
- HB 1191 - Concerning removing vehicle titles from manufactured homes. 48π 0π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5328 - Earned wage access services 12π 29π 7β - S Rules 2
- SB 5401 - Wholesale power purchases 45π 0π 3β - SEnvironment, E
- SJM 8000 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Way 1π° 2π 46π 0β - H Transportation
- HB 1145 - Public works reporting 1π 45π 1β - HLocal Govt
- HB 1358 - Mobile home community sale 47π 0π 0β - HHousing
- HB 1669 - Prosthetic limb coverage 42π 4π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1695 - Unincorporated villages/GMA 46π 1π 0β - HLocal Govt
- SB 5591 - Affordable housing/sales tax 1π° 42π 3π 2β - SHousing
- HB 1060 - Newspaper tax preference 44π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1208 - Salmon recovery projects 29π 11π 6β - H Approps
- HB 1460 - Protection order hope cards 39π 7π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1738 - Veteran benefits access 45π 1π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5021 - Retention of court exhibits 45π 1π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5089 - Concerning funding rural county coroners and medical examiners. 44π 2π 0β - SLoc Gov
- HB 1220 - Concerning appropriate response to assaults by individuals in behavioral health crisis. 1π° 20π 23π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1329 - Wholesale power purchases 40π 2π 3β - HRules R
- HB 1389 - Timber purchase reporting 9π 36π 0β - H Finance
- HB 1731 - Unclaimed property/museums 45π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1840 - Middle housing 17π 26π 2β - H Housing
- SB 5185 - Establishing preceptorship and hardship pathways to medical practice for international medical graduates. 1π° 26π 17π 2β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5219 - Partial confinement 1π° 39π 5π 1β - S subst for
- SB 5514 - Clean buildings standard 25π 20π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1271 - State fire service deploy. 44π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1467 - Actuarial pension funding 3π 40π 1β - HApprops
- HB 1044 - County REET admin. fees 45π 9π 0β - H Finance
- HB 1130 - Concerning utilization of developmental disabilities waivers. 40π 2π 1β - S Human Services
- HB 1148 - Exempting goods and services provided by youth athletic facilities from sales and use tax. 41π 1π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1186 - Medication dispensing 27π 16π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1396 - Office of corrections ombuds 40π 2π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1542 - Senior independent housing 37π 5π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5071 - Synthetic opioids/endanger. 35π 8π 0β - H Community Safet
- SB 5212 - Water adjudication in WRIA 1 41π 1π 1β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5367 - Law enf. community grants 20π 19π 4β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1453 - Scrap metal/stolen copper 39π 2π 1β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1672 - Employer technology use 2π° 23π 19π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5044 - Supp. retirement bargaining 42π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1227 - Transportation budget 1π° 8π 16π 17β - HTransportation
- HB 1626 - PFML grants/school districts 29π 12π 0β - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1660 - Child welfare/racial dispro. 9π 31π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1765 - Subscriber emails/PRA 34π 7π 0β - HState Govt & T
- SB 5045 - Battery stewardship/EVs 29π 9π 3β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5246 - Energy facility site eval. 33π 1π 7β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5278 - Juvenile correctional pop. 3π° 28π 40π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5331 - Insurance code violations 38π 0π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1067 - Cannabis/dept of agriculture 34π 4π 2β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1192 - DOC disciplinary hearings 32π 4π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1201 - Emergency shelters/pets 40π 0π 0β - HRules R
- HB 1167 - Maritime careers task force 38π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1860 - Supply chain competitiveness 37π 2π 0β - H Transportation
- SB 5161 - Transportation budget 7π 17π 15β - STransportation
- SB 5484 - Tow truck payments/indigent 21π 18π 0β - STransportation
- HB 1318 - Children's diapers sales tax 1π° 37π 1π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1934 - Employment investigation/PRA 27π 11π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1947 - Group B public water systems 1π° 34π 4π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5049 - Sunshine committee 38π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5055 - Agritourism 30π 6π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5288 - Concerning vacancies on boards of county commissioners. 38π 0π 0β - H Local Govt
- SB 5365 - Library funding alternate 38π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5417 - Vehicle noise cameras 7π 31π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5609 - Cultural resources/land use 1π° 1π 36π 1β - SEnvironment, E
- HB 1168 - Artificial intelligence info 1π° 27π 10π 2β - HApprops
- HB 1715 - Energy standard/comply cost 37π 0π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5087 - CTC legal education programs 34π 2π 1β - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5524 - Donate life license plate 36π 1π 0β - STransportation
- HB 1293 - Litter 3π° 32π 3π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1822 - Driver course/work zones 36π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1791 - Local real estate excise tax 21π 13π 1β - H Finance
- SB 5139 - Reentry council members 1π° 31π 3π 1β - SRules 2
- SB 5279 - Child care provider qualif. 32π 3π 0β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5577 - HIV antiviral drugs/medicaid 1π° 17π 18π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- HB 1172 - Fire district civil service 34π 0π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1290 - Water quality trading prog. 27π 5π 2β - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5197 - Local government planning 6π 25π 3β - S Rules 2
- SB 5221 - Personal property distraint 34π 0π 0β - H Housing
- SB 5378 - PFML grants/school districts 20π 14π 0β - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5432 - License plate production 34π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5676 - Electronic admission tickets 4π 30π 0β - S Environment, E
- HB 1018 - Fusion energy facilities 30π 2π 1β - S Environment, En
- HB 1171 - Mandated reporting/higher ed 16π 17π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1219 - Interbranch advisory comm. 3π 30π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1275 - Self-insurer withdrawal 31π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1294 - Pesticide application comm. 66π 4π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1507 - Health care nondisclosure 1π° 14π 19π 0β - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1530 - Reg. businesses/card fees 18π 15π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1814 - SEPA/trails and paths 16π 17π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1909 - Court unification task force 32π 1π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5182 - Incarcerated parents 2π° 31π 1π 1β - SRules 2
- SB 5260 - Juvenile correctional pop. 1π° 16π 14π 3β - SHuman Services
- SB 5281 - Vessel length/nonresident 1π° 33π 0π 0β - S subst for
- SB 5659 - Eliminating each local government's proportional share of Washington's housing shortage. 1π° 26π 7π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1410 - Inactive cannabis producers 2π° 20π 12π 0β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1571 - Occupational disease/heart 19π 11π 2β - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1643 - Utility facility removal 2π 28π 2β - HTransportation
- SB 5170 - DNR boundary line surveys 30π 1π 1β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5241 - Fusion energy facilities 1π° 31π 0π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5579 - Health/contract terminations 5π 26π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5663 - Virtual campus/colleges 10π 19π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1110 - DUI conviction vacation 2π° 18π 13π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1355 - Tax compacts/capital invest. 17π 14π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1464 - Home equity sharing 2π° 9π 20π 2β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1509 - Family reconciliation 22π 9π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5154 - County auditor duties 25π 5π 1β - SLoc Gov
- SB 5264 - Tax compacts/capital invest. 16π 15π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5428 - Community inclusion services 0π 31π 0β - SHuman Services
- HB 1202 - State gen. obligation bonds 7π 23π 0β - HCap Budget
- SB 5555 - Zoning regulations 1π° 4π 22π 4β - SHousing
- HB 1003 - Addressing service of notice by mail in cases involving forcible entry and forcible and unlawful detainer. 15π 12π 2β - S Housing
- HB 1034 - Nonopioid drugs for pain 24π 1π 4β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1256 - Public works/made in US 1π° 18π 4π 7β - HCap Budget
- HB 1641 - Definition of timberland 29π 0π 0β - HFinance
- SB 5032 - Juvenile rehab. ombuds 2π° 28π 1π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5163 - Child fatalities 27π 0π 2β - SWays & Means
- SB 5206 - Cannabis advertising 16π 16π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5226 - Physician res./international 2π° 12π 16π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1268 - Virtual currency kiosks 1π° 6π 20π 2β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1291 - Maternity services costs 2π° 26π 0π 2β - H 2nd Reading
- SB 5379 - Parks & rec./interest arb. 28π 0π 0β - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5427 - Children in crisis program 28π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5569 - Direct transfer to treatment 26π 0π 2β - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5614 - Impact fees 1π° 4π 18π 6β - S Rules 2
- HB 1174 - Court interpreters 23π 4π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1532 - Sales tax sourcing impact 22π 4π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1653 - Tow truck payments/indigent 13π 14π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5025 - Educational interpreters 25π 2π 0β - H Education
- SB 5124 - SNF & rehab network adequacy 25π 0π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5134 - Chinese Americans/schools 20π 4π 3β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5173 - Concerning county comprehensive plans and development regulations. 22π 4π 1β - SLoc Gov
- SB 5280 - Virtual currency kiosks 1π° 25π 2π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5290 - Controlled subs. dismissal 19π 6π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5545 - Family home prov./military 27π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1917 - Juvenile rehabilitation 7π 16π 3β - H Approps
- SB 5209 - Explicitly listing the department of labor and industries in the definition of limited authority Washington law enforcement agency while not granting new enforcement authority. 9π 17π 0β - H Community Safet
- SB 5316 - Unclaimed property 20π 6π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5425 - Energy independence act 24π 2π 0β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5580 - Corp. homeowner registration 5π 19π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5755 - Residential dev./commercial 4π 22π 0β - S Housing
- HB 1078 - Pet insurance 1π° 23π 1π 1β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1161 - Veteran employability 24π 0π 1β - HApprops
- HB 1194 - Collector vehicle licenses 6π 19π 0β - HTransportation
- HB 1269 - Pawnbroker fees, int. rates 25π 0π 0β - S Business, Fin S
- HB 1683 - School director districts 3π 19π 3β - HEducation
- SB 5361 - ASAM 4 treatment criteria 7π 18π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1023 - Cosmetology compact 1π° 18π 1π 5β - H Rules R
- HB 1197 - Operating budget, supp. 1π 20π 3β - HApprops
- HB 1628 - Fire service policy board 22π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5127 - Collector vehicle licenses 19π 5π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5204 - Ibogaine-assisted therapy 15π 3π 6β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5238 - Reckless driving, speed 1π° 18π 4π 2β - H Community Safet
- SB 5337 - Memory care services 1π° 22π 0π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5457 - Broadcasters 22π 2π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5518 - Sales tax sourcing impact 1π° 23π 0π 1β - SWays & Means
- HB 1335 - Military spouse employment 22π 0π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1515 - Alcohol service in public 1π° 19π 3π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1619 - Dockworkers/family leave 23π 0π 0β - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1682 - Unemployment ins./part-time 12π 11π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5142 - Eminent domain purchase back 22π 1π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5303 - Yakima basin water plan 18π 4π 1β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5305 - Salmon recovery accelerator 13π 7π 3β - SAg & Natural R
- SB 5617 - Juvenile detention/CHINS 1π° 19π 0π 4β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5653 - Fish and wildlife officers 22π 1π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1101 - Vehicular homicide offenses 21π 1π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1248 - Juvenile justice programs 21π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1599 - Concerning consumer debt adjusters and debt resolution services providers. 4π 18π 0β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1600 - Family services support fee 13π 9π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1758 - Aquatic land lease inflation 21π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1935 - Project permit definition 21π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5336 - Isolated employees 16π 4π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5381 - Self-insurer withdrawal 20π 1π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5471 - Middle housing 3π° 20π 1π 1β - S Passed 3rd
- SB 5542 - HS completers/CTC tuition 1π° 22π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1500 - CIC resale certificates 14π 7π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1540 - Homelessness/tribal colleges 21π 0π 0β - S Higher Ed & Wor
- HB 1662 - Education agencies/OSPI 2π° 17π 0π 4β - H Approps
- HB 1897 - Community safety/liability 19π 2π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5147 - Criminal insanity 19π 1π 1β - SWays & Means
- SB 5149 - Early childhood court prg. 1π° 21π 0π 0β - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1105 - DOC employee bargaining 20π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1165 - Property tax exemptions 18π 2π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1253 - Utility joint use agreements 1π° 19π 1π 0β - S Environment, En
- HB 1501 - CIC unit owner inquiries 15π 5π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1609 - Natural resources board/OSPI 2π 5π 13β - H Rules R
- HB 1757 - Residential use/existing 1π° 18π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5172 - Fire district civil service 20π 0π 0β - S Passed 3rd
- SB 5258 - Medicaid concurrent enroll. 19π 2π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5324 - Prior auth. APIs/health 17π 1π 2β - S Rules 2
- SB 5475 - Salmon recovery maintenance 20π 0π 0β - SLoc Gov
- SB 5547 - Cannabis revenue/local gov. 19π 0π 1β - SWays & Means
- SB 5589 - Insurance & credit study 16π 1π 3β - S Rules 2
- HB 1529 - Cities/county road resources 14π 5π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1554 - College bound scholarship 5π° 14π 5π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5029 - DOC release transportation 1π° 19π 0π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5051 - Nursing assistant regulation 19π 0π 0β - H HC/Wellness
- SB 5129 - Common interest communities 19π 0π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5325 - State cactus 15π 4π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5388 - DOC behavioral health cert. 8π 10π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1046 - Motor vehicle damage/rescue 18π 0π 0β - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1143 - College grant award amounts 11π 5π 2β - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1419 - Interpreter background check 17π 1π 0β - HState Govt & T
- HB 1484 - Victim of rape/pregnancy 2π° 15π 3π 0β - S Law & Justice
- HB 1556 - HS completers/CTC tuition 5π° 18π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1562 - Diaper changing stations 1π° 17π 1π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1697 - Newborn screening additions 15π 1π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1818 - Administration of plats 12π 0π 6β - H Local Govt
- SB 5084 - Health carrier reporting 18π 0π 0β - H HC/Wellness
- SB 5131 - Religious celebrations/DOC 1π° 14π 2π 2β - SRules 2
- SB 5191 - Dockworkers/family leave 18π 0π 0β - H Labor & Workpla
- SB 5458 - Newspaper tax preference 17π 0π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5561 - Health care entity registry 3π° 12π 2π 4β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5656 - Aquatic lease inflation rate 17π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1045 - Uniformed personnel 13π 4π 0β - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1244 - Driver training alternative 5π 12π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1337 - Higher education presidents 3π° 9π 8π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1461 - Joint operating agencies 4π 13π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1522 - Utility wildfire mitigation 3π° 15π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1558 - Broadcasters 16π 1π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1756 - Lead in cookware 10π 5π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1848 - Traumatic brain injuries 1π° 17π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1864 - Ambulances/transport options 14π 1π 2β - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1946 - Local board of health/tribes 15π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5013 - Establishing a department of transportation map for the placement of campaign signage. 16π 1π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5052 - Law enf. juvenile contact 10π 2π 5β - S Rules 2
- SB 5128 - Juvenile detention, medical 1π° 17π 0π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5169 - Testimony of children 2π° 12π 5π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5319 - Surface mine reclamation 2π 15π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5322 - Burrowing shrimp 6π 10π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5323 - Theft from first responders 16π 1π 0β - H Community Safet
- SB 5473 - Law enforcement arbitration 17π 0π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5679 - Multifamily tax exemption 1π° 15π 2π 0β - S Housing
- SB 5690 - Utility relocation 17π 0π 0β - S Transportation
- SB 5725 - Housing on college lands 1π° 13π 2π 2β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1109 - Public facilities districts 13π 3π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1382 - All payers claim database 2π° 13π 0π 3β - H Rules R
- HB 1425 - Pharmacogenomic testing 1π° 10π 6π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1511 - Ferry captains 16π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1633 - Public works/bidding 2π° 16π 0π 0β - H Transportation
- HB 1884 - Cannabis regulation 8π 6π 2β - H ConsPro&Bus
- SB 5031 - Confinement health coord. 1π° 14π 0π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5116 - Concerning the immediate use of marriage licenses for medical necessity. 15π 0π 1β - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5455 - Cancer research endowment 20π 2π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5529 - ADU tax exemptions 2π° 12π 4π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5635 - Alt. on-site sewage systems 14π 1π 1β - S Loc Gov
- HB 1012 - Authorizing the women's commission to solicit gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources. 15π 0π 0β - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1298 - Student athlete insurance 1π° 12π 3π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1476 - Nursing home rate rebase 5π 664π 8β - HApprops
- HB 1544 - Child abuse risk assessment 14π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1572 - Higher ed. accreditation 12π 1π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1621 - Housing court commissioners 9π 6π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1919 - Working conn. child care 2π 13π 0β - H EL & Human Svc
- SB 5040 - Uniformed personnel 13π 2π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5157 - Habitat restoration material 12π 1π 2β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5242 - Behavioral health resources 6π 3π 6β - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1650 - Airport projects/local REET 10π 3π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1718 - Health care prof. well-being 13π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- SB 5125 - Residential services rate 12π 1π 1β - SWays & Means
- SB 5198 - Driver training alternative 10π 4π 0β - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5207 - Media service subscriptions 7π 6π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5215 - Vehicle debris escape 7π 3π 4β - S Rules 2
- SB 5568 - State health plan 12π 1π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5599 - Commercial fishery licenses 8π 6π 0β - SAg & Natural R
- HB 1103 - Expanding protections against unwanted telephone calls and text messages for cellular users. 1π° 9π 1π 3β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1144 - Superior court judge/Skagit 13π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1226 - Transportation budget, supp. 1π° 1π 11π 1β - HTransportation
- HB 1243 - DSHS overpayments 21π 0π 0β - HApprops
- HB 1283 - Certificates of title 1π° 9π 2π 2β - HTransportation
- HB 1360 - Quantum economic development 12π 1π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1700 - Comprehensive plan updates 12π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1725 - Biosimilar medicines 9π 4π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1733 - Agency displacement expenses 13π 3π 0β - H Transportation
- HB 1830 - Concerning record checks for certain volunteers and contractors who will have access to children or persons with developmental disabilities. 12π 1π 0β - H Education
- HB 1835 - Aligning cannabis licensing decisions by the liquor and cannabis board with local zoning ordinances. 5π 8π 0β - H ConsPro&Bus
- HB 1955 - Fishing & shellfishing/youth 12π 0π 1β - H Ag&Nr
- SB 5039 - DOC WMS employee arbitration 13π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5158 - Student athlete insurance 12π 1π 0β - H Postsec Ed & Wk
- SB 5188 - Broadband repair loans 14π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5194 - State gen. obligation bonds 0π 13π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5306 - Pension credit for leave 13π 0π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5409 - DOC healthy env. pilot 10π 2π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1014 - Implementing recommendations of the 2023 child support schedule work group. 1π° 10π 0π 2β - HRules R
- HB 1066 - Regulated substance use data 1π° 11π 1π 0β - S Labor & Comm
- HB 1126 - Standardizing notification provisions relating to local tax rate changes and shared taxes administered by the department. 6π 6π 0β - SLoc Gov
- HB 1187 - Delayed ambulance bills 6π 6π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1270 - Deferred comp. by local gov. 12π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1279 - Postsecondary ed protections 12π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1349 - Pension credit for leave 12π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1541 - Veterans affairs adv. comm. 9π 3π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1706 - Prior auth. APIs/health 9π 1π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1769 - Abandoned vehicle auctions 10π 1π 1β - HFinance
- HB 1986 - Vehicles for rental/tax 4π 7π 1β - H Finance
- SB 5102 - Establishing a public records exemption for the proprietary information of public risk pools. 5π 6π 1β - SRules 2
- SB 5202 - Judicial orders 10π 1π 1β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5240 - Anaphylaxis med. in schools 8π 1π 3β - S Rules 2
- SB 5299 - Radiologic technologists 11π 0π 1β - S Rules 2
- SB 5315 - Local tax rate changes 5π 7π 0β - H Finance
- SB 5396 - FAA medical certificates 1π° 6π 0π 6β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5560 - State clam 11π 1π 0β - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5594 - Biosimilar medicines 8π 4π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5745 - Invol. treatment counsel 9π 0π 3β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1006 - Regulating service contracts and protection product guarantees. 11π 0π 0β - SBusiness, Fin
- HB 1097 - Extending governmental services beyond the urban growth area in specific circumstances. 6π 5π 0β - HLocal Govt
- HB 1127 - Unclaimed property 5π 6π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1234 - Concerning the mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and social workers advisory committee. 11π 0π 0β - S Health & Long-T
- HB 1537 - Roadway safety account use 11π 0π 0β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1605 - State patrol longevity bonus 1π° 11π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5108 - Regulating service contracts and protection product guarantees. 1π° 11π 0π 0β - H ConsPro&Bus
- SB 5223 - Criminal fingerprinting 9π 2π 0β - S Passed 3rd
- SB 5697 - Social services/property tax 8π 2π 1β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1024 - St. Edward state park 10π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1040 - Rental income/property tax 10π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1156 - Volunteer firefighters/DCP 1π° 10π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- HB 1230 - Disability insurer filings 10π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1251 - Improving the timeliness and accuracy of the issuance of a report of death. 5π 5π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1498 - Domestic viol. co-responders 7π 2π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1595 - Economic development plan 9π 0π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1690 - Water and sewer systems 1π° 9π 1π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5287 - Ignition interlock assist. 8π 2π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5356 - Criminal justice trainings 5π 3π 2β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5435 - Reorganizing and adding subchapter headings to public employees' collective bargaining statutes. 9π 1π 0β - H Labor & Workpla
- SB 5522 - State capitol campus 2π° 10π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5641 - Blood donation/school instr. 9π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1157 - Vital records family access 9π 0π 0β - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1222 - Gambling commission/PRA 1π° 5π 3π 1β - S State Gov/Trib
- HB 1287 - Health info./coordination 7π 1π 1β - S Health & Long-T
- HB 1305 - Property owners/projects 6π 3π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1459 - Child fatalities 8π 0π 1β - H Approps
- HB 1610 - Critical energy infra./PRA 7π 1π 1β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1842 - Captive insurers/PUDs 9π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1874 - Textured hair training 2π° 5π 4π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1902 - Transp. project permitting 9π 0π 0β - H Transportation
- SB 5018 - County weed boards 1π 4π 4β - SLoc Gov
- SB 5133 - Sentencing guide/caregivers 1π° 7π 2π 0β - SRules 2
- SB 5141 - Requiring that experience-rated group disability income insurers include all applicable rating factors and credibility formulas in rate manual filings with the insurance commissioner. 1π° 9π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5224 - Concerning officer certification definitions, processes, and commissioning. 2π 6π 1β - H Community Safet
- SB 5301 - Gov. services/tribal lands 9π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5465 - Wildfire costs/securitizing 9π 0π 0β - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5499 - DOC body scanner program 8π 1π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5642 - Medicaid clients/metrics 6π 2π 1β - S Health & Long-
- SB 5682 - Employment training program 9π 0π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SJM 8003 - I-82/Charles Frank Noble, Jr 9π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- HB 1030 - Counted ballot audits 1π° 2π 5π 1β - HRules R
- HB 1073 - National guard retention 2π° 8π 0π 0β - HApprops
- HB 1104 - Professional engineers' reg. 6π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1205 - Forged digital likeness 4π 2π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1260 - Document recording fee admin 3π 4π 1β - H 2nd Reading
- HB 1490 - Background checks 8π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1793 - Reports of fire losses 7π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1899 - Homelessness point-in-time 7π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1900 - Financial fraud protections 3π 4π 1β - H ConsPro&Bus
- HCR 4403 - Joel Pritchard State Library 7π 1π 0β - H Cap Budget
- SB 5199 - Providing compensation to members of the department of children, youth, and families oversight board with direct lived experience. 1π° 7π 1π 0β - H EL & Human Svc
- SB 5244 - WIC hematological screening 8π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5370 - Port commissioner terms 5π 3π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5399 - Liquor licenses 4π 4π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5405 - Estate tax exclusion amount 8π 0π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5625 - State clam/Pacific geoduck 5π 3π 0β - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1064 - System improvement team 7π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1112 - Removing the city residency requirement for judges pro tempore in municipalities with a population of more than 400,000 inhabitants. 3π 4π 0β - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1228 - Toxicology testing 2π° 4π 0π 3β - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1341 - Medical cannabis database 6π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1347 - Cannabis testing labs 7π 0π 0β - S Labor & Comm
- HB 1362 - Gambling diversion court 3π 2π 2β - H Approps
- HB 1440 - Civil forfeiture proceedings 3π 0π 6β - H Transportation
- HB 1477 - WA saves trust account 7π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1552 - Real estate broker fee 7π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1701 - Liquor licensee premises 2π° 6π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1714 - Small business risk pooling 6π 1π 0β - H Finance
- HB 1784 - Certified medical assistants 5π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1967 - Design-build projects/bonds 5π 2π 0β - H Cap Budget
- HJM 4001 - Russ Blount memorial bridge 6π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5006 - Making updates to Washington's corporation acts. 1π 6π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5034 - System improvement team 7π 0π 0β - H Cap Budget
- SB 5138 - Public facilities districts 3π° 6π 1π 0β - H Finance
- SB 5143 - Ethics in public service 6π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5214 - Mobile market programs 1π° 6π 0π 1β - H EL & Human Svc
- SB 5239 - Hospital medical records 1π° 6π 0π 1β - H HC/Wellness
- SB 5248 - Bridge collisions 7π 0π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5571 - Exterior cladding materials 6π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- HB 1009 - Adjusting the membership of the pharmacy quality assurance commission. 6π 0π 0β - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1207 - Superior court clerk fees 2π 4π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1281 - Technical corrections 4π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1302 - Utility connection charges 1π° 6π 0π 0β - S Environment, En
- HB 1327 - Horse racing 6π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1353 - ADU self-certification 1π° 6π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1388 - Mobile market programs 5π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1394 - Hospital medical records 5π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1616 - Transit conduct/ferries 5π 1π 0β - S Transportation
- HB 1806 - Commercial fishing revenue 6π 0π 0β - H Finance
- HB 1846 - Sounders FC license plate 1π° 2π 4π 0β - H Transportation
- SB 5072 - Abandoned vehicle auctions 5π 0π 1β - SWays & Means
- SB 5235 - Public school statutes 2π° 4π 2π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5262 - Insurance statutes 1π° 6π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5411 - Pilates studios, etc./tax 2π° 4π 0π 2β - SWays & Means
- SB 5419 - Reports of fire losses 4π 1π 1β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5451 - Quantum economic development 1π° 4π 1π 1β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5527 - State patrol longevity bonus 6π 0π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5696 - Mental health treatment/tax 3π 3π 0β - S Ways & Means
- SB 5702 - Toll rate setting process 3π 6π 0β - S Transportation
- HB 1300 - Professional accounts 5π 0π 0β - S Business, Fin S
- HB 1431 - Rental car agreements 2π 3π 0β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1505 - Insurance statutes 6π 0π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1736 - Missing persons 1π° 4π 1π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1752 - Juvenile misdemeanor jdx 0π 5π 0β - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1829 - Tribal warrants 3π 0π 2β - H Rules R
- HB 1922 - Hydraulic project mitigation 5π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5286 - State hospitals/police costs 5π 0π 0β - H Community Safet
- SB 5338 - Veterans affairs adv. comm. 2π° 5π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5467 - Water-sewer district surplus 5π 0π 0β - S 2nd Reading
- SB 5478 - Authorized PEBB benefits 5π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5516 - Community centers/prop. tax 4π 1π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5616 - WA saves trust account 3π 2π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5692 - Seattle Reign FC lic. plate 1π° 2π 3π 0β - S Transportation
- SB 5700 - Medical cannabis database 5π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5720 - Uniform debt default act 2π 1π 2β - S Law & Justice
- HB 1007 - Concerning requisites of notice in small claims actions. 4π 0π 0β - S Law & Justice
- HB 1017 - Kimchi day 1π° 2π 2π 0β - HRules R
- HB 1080 - Lodging fee disclosure 1π° 1π 2π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1546 - Radiologic technologists 3π 0π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1625 - Back country search & rescue 1π 3π 0β - H Approps
- HB 1640 - Med. & PA licensure compacts 4π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1755 - Coronary interventions/CN 2π 1π 1β - H Rules R
- HB 1766 - Health carrier practices 3π 1π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1807 - Catered events with alcohol 2π° 0π 3π 1β - H ConsPro&Bus
- HB 1823 - Transp. improvement board 3π 1π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5076 - Nonspot shrimp pot license 2π 2π 0β - S subst for
- SB 5081 - Unattended motor vehicles 2π 2π 0β - H Transportation
- SB 5090 - Professional engineers' reg. 4π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5168 - State actuary appointment 4π 0π 0β - H Approps
- SB 5218 - Modifying motor vehicle and driver licensing laws to align with federal definitions, making technical corrections, and streamlining requirements. 1π° 4π 0π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5506 - Residential private schools 4π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- SB 5693 - Teacher residency & apprent. 0π 4π 0β - S EL/K-12
- HB 1081 - Solicited real estate 3π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1361 - Process service 3π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1439 - Vehicle and driver licensing 3π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1513 - Seashore conservation area 2π 0π 1β - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1698 - Liquor permits & licensing 2π° 3π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- SB 5000 - Adopting the evergreen state as the state nickname. 3π 0π 0β - H State Govt & Tr
- SB 5245 - Legislature oath of office 2π° 3π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5294 - Professional accounts 3π 0π 0β - SRules 2
- SB 5300 - St. Edward state park 3π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5318 - Background checks 1π° 3π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5345 - Access to personnel records 1π 2π 0β - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5440 - Single license plates 1π 2π 0β - STransportation
- SB 5452 - Psychiatric pharmacists 1π° 0π 3π 0β - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5464 - CDL federal standards 3π 0π 0β - S Rules 2
- SB 5495 - Life insurance/suicide limit 1π 2π 0β - SBusiness, Fin
- SB 5644 - Gift card criminal conduct 1π 2π 0β - S Law & Justice
- HB 1013 - Concerning exemption of certain personnel of the department of social and health services from civil service. 2π 0π 0β - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1304 - Boundary review filings 2π 0π 0β - S Loc Gov
- HB 1372 - JLARC studies 0π 2π 0β - S State Gov/Trib
- HB 1468 - Accounts 2π 0π 0β - HApprops
- HB 1526 - Snack bar liquor licenses 1π° 0π 2π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1615 - Water system classifications 2π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1646 - DNR civil enforcement appeal 2π 0π 0β - H Rules R
- HB 1748 - Insurance & credit study 2π 0π 0β - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1931 - Special license plate funds 2π° 2π 0π 0β - H Transportation
- HB 1948 - Environment/port districts 2π 0π 0β - H Local Govt
- HB 1952 - Special license plates 2π° 0π 1π 1β - H Transportation
- SB 5259 - Commercial fishing bait tax 2π 0π 0β - SWays & Means
- SB 5271 - School nurse requirement 1π° 0π 2π 0β - SEL/K-12
- SB 5462 - Vehicle inspection backlog 1π 1π 0β - H Transportation
- SB 5556 - Adopt-a-highway program 2π° 2π 0π 0β - S 2nd RdConsCal
- HB 1005 - Concerning prearrangement funeral services. 1π 0π 0β - HRules R
- HB 1010 - Authorizing accessory dwelling units in rural areas. 1π 0π 0β - HHousing
- HB 1436 - Law enf. officers/increase 4π° 1π 0π 0β - HFinance
- HB 1627 - Health plans/annual services 1π 0π 0β - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1632 - Medical debt 2π° 1π 0π 0β - HCivil R & Judi
- SB 5016 - Concerning prearrangement funeral services. 1π 0π 0β - H ConsPro&Bus
- SB 5037 - Uniform custodial trust act 1π 0π 0β - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5431 - Tax and revenue laws 1π 0π 0β - H Finance
- SB 5586 - Electric vehicle batteries 1π° 1π 0π 0β - SEnvironment, E
Pending bills
- SB 5772 - Student enrollment - S Ways & Means
- SB 5771 - WFTC increase/tenants - S Ways & Means
- SB 5770 - Primary residence/tax - S Ways & Means
- SB 5769 - Transition to kindergarten - S Ways & Means
- SB 5768 - Working families' tax credit - S Ways & Means
- HB 2015 - Public safety funding - H Finance
- HB 2014 - Partial confinement - H Community Safet
- HB 2013 - Liquor licensees/fan zones - H ConsPro&Bus
- HB 2012 - Transition to kindergarten - H Approps
- HB 2011 - Dependency/attorney appt. - H Approps
- HB 2010 - Safe drinking water grants - H Env & Energy
- HB 2009 - Clarifying the calculation of the real estate excise tax for the transfer of a controlling interest in an entity holding real property. - H Finance
- HB 2008 - Personal hygiene products - H Env & Energy
- HB 2007 - Expanding opportunities for competency-based assessments in graduation pathway options. - H Education
- HB 2006 - Extending the deadline for a rural county collecting the sales and use tax for economic development purposes to designate industrial land banks under the growth management act. - H Local Govt
- HB 2005 - EV charging station damage - H Community Safe
- HB 2004 - Voter database access - H State Govt & Tr
- HB 2003 - Columbia river endorsement - H Approps
- SB 5767 - Federal employee hiring pref 2π° - S State Gov/Trib
- HB 2002 - Concerning criminal justice and the recovery of firearms used in the commission of a crime. - H Community Safe
- HB 2001 - Sunsetting state entities - H State Govt & Tr
- HB 2000 - Law enforcement memorial - H Cap Budget
- HB 1999 - Ag. land/foreign ownership - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1998 - Investment income/B&O tax - H Finance
- SB 5766 - Passive investment vehicles - S Ways & Means
- SB 5765 - Psychiatric pharmacists - S Health & Long-
- SB 5764 - Ambulance transport fund - S Ways & Means
- SB 5763 - Law enf. aviation support - S State Gov/Trib
- SB 5762 - 988 line tax - S Ways & Means
- HB 1997 - Property tax cut - H Finance
- HB 1994 - Renewable energy hosts/tax - H Finance
- HB 1993 - Child care providers/B&O tax - H Finance
- SB 5761 - Dependency/attorney appt. - S Ways & Means
- SB 5760 - GA building/reentry center - S Human Services
- SB 5759 - Art purchase program - S State Gov/Trib
- HB 1991 - Agency email subscribers/PRA - H State Govt & T
- HB 1990 - Utility disaster costs - H Approps
- HB 1989 - Assault of transit employee - H Community Safe
- HB 1988 - Retired employees/work - H Approps
- HB 1985 - Animal services districts - H Local Govt
- HB 1983 - Timberland definition/REET - H Rules R
- SB 5752 - Child care & early dev. 1π° - S Ways & Means
- SB 5751 - Government services delivery - S State Gov/Trib
- HB 1982 - Treaty rights/convictions - H Community Safe
- HB 1981 - Energy facility transfer/tax - H Finance
- HB 1979 - Cardiac care cert. of need - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1978 - Election tabulation devices - H State Govt & T
- HB 1977 - Commercial servers of liquor - H ConsPro&Bus
- SB 5750 - State facility EV charging - S Transportation
- SB 5744 - Legislative comparison study 1π° - S State Gov/Trib
- SB 5743 - Law enforcement memorial - S State Gov/Trib
- SB 5742 - Impaired driving - S Law & Justice
- HB 1973 - Professional license fees - H Approps
- HB 1972 - Violent offenses - H Community Safet
- HB 1963 - Media literacy & civic ed. - H Education
- HB 1962 - Spring blade knives - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1961 - Motor vehicle revenues use - H Transportation
- SB 5739 - Public facilities districts - S Ways & Means
- SB 5737 - National board bonuses - S Ways & Means
- SB 5736 - Child neglect cases - S Human Services
- SB 5735 - Imitation firearm labeling - S Law & Justice
- HB 1959 - Office of equity repeal 2π° - H State Govt & T
- HB 1956 - Public defense recruitment - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1954 - Critical comm infrastructure - H Community Safe
- HB 1951 - TNCs/large-scale events - H Labor & Workpl
- SB 5718 - TRS & SERS/plan 2 transfer - S Ways & Means
- SB 5715 - Juvenile convictions/score - S Law & Justice
- SB 5711 - Self-service storage/tax - S Ways & Means
- HB 1929 - Court of appeals vacancies - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1928 - Supreme court vacancies - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1925 - Natural resources careers - H Education
- HB 1924 - Manufacturing/sales tax - H Finance
- HB 1920 - Juvenile access to attorneys - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1918 - Supreme court districts - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1914 - Discover pass, day-use cost - H Approps
- HB 1910 - Teacher-librarian funding - H Approps
- HB 1908 - Res. habilitation centers - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1904 - Declawing cats - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1905 - Invol. treatment counsel - H Civil R & Judi
- SB 5728 - Fish and wildlife commission - S Ag & Natural R
- SB 5724 - Dual credit programs - S EL/K-12
- HB 1945 - Crime victims ombuds - H Community Safe
- HB 1944 - Water-sewer district surplus - H Local Govt
- HB 1943 - Blood donation/school instr. - H Education
- HB 1942 - AI economic development - H Tech, Econ Dev
- HB 1939 - FIFA world cup/low-income - H Tech, Econ Dev
- HB 1933 - Overdose information - H HC/Wellness
- SB 5713 - Chemical abortion - S Law & Justice
- SB 5709 - Public health clinics/tax - S Ways & Means
- SB 5707 - Subscriber emails/PRA - S State Gov/Trib
- SB 5706 - Child custody determinations - S Law & Justice
- SB 5704 - Health care marketplace 1π° - S Law & Justice
- SB 5698 - Municipal gas utilities/CCA - S Environment, E
- HB 1901 - Mattress producer resp. - H Env & Energy
- HB 1895 - Educational assist./B&O tax - H Finance
- HB 1894 - Tribes/K-12 instruction - H Education
- HB 1893 - Judicial liability - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1892 - State legislator liability - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1891 - Defense counsel liability - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1890 - Prosecutor liability - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1889 - Continuing care oversight - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1888 - Naturopathic physician scope - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1885 - Legislative privilege/PRA - H State Govt & T
- HB 1883 - Employment training program - H Finance
- HB 1880 - Legislature/appropriations - H State Govt & Tr
- HB 1877 - Public education system - H State Govt & T
- SB 5688 - Constitutional rights - S Law & Justice
- SB 5687 - Performance audits/tax share - S Ways & Means
- SB 5685 - Theft in the 3rd degree - S Law & Justice
- SB 5681 - DDA employment services age - S Human Services
- HB 1873 - WC child care/grad. students - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1872 - Firearms - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1869 - Transit costs/adjacent state - H Transportation
- HB 1868 - Athletic trainers in schools - H Approps
- HB 1866 - Grant fund advances pilot - H Approps
- HB 1865 - Working conn. child care - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1863 - Schools/cardiac emergencies - H Education
- SB 5675 - Manufacturing/B&O tax - S Ways & Means
- SB 5674 - Manufacturing facilities/tax - S Ways & Means
- SB 5673 - Manufacturing/sales tax - S Ways & Means
- SB 5668 - Newborn screening additions - S Health & Long-
- SB 5665 - Child sex abuse - S Human Services
- SB 5664 - Impaired driving - S Law & Justice
- HB 1855 - Discrimination in schools 1π° - H Education
- HB 1853 - Green community schoolyards - H Education
- HB 1852 - Local gov. property transfer - H Housing
- HB 1851 - Higher ed. property damage - H Postsec Ed & W
- HB 1850 - Glucose monitor replacement - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1849 - Rx drug donation program - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1845 - Cash assistance payments - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1844 - Alternative jet fuels - H Env & Energy
- HB 1838 - College grant/cert. programs - H Approps
- HB 1810 - Seismic hazard risk, reduce - H Approps
- HB 1803 - Safety of youth sports - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1802 - Obstructing first responder - H Community Safe
- HB 1801 - Sentencing guidelines commn. - H Community Safet
- HB 1800 - Homeless housing grants - H Housing
- HB 1799 - Violent firearm offenses - H Community Safe
- HB 1797 - DCYF & law enforcement - H EL & Human Svc
- HB 1794 - OFM, eliminating - H Approps
- HB 1792 - Nursing assistant regulation - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1790 - Defined benefit accrual - H Approps
- HB 1789 - Photovoltaic modules - H Env & Energy
- HB 1787 - Substance use/commitment 2π° - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1786 - Public safety facilities - H Finance
- HB 1785 - Excessive executive comp. 1π° - H Finance
- HB 1781 - PDC enforcement actions - H State Govt & T
- HB 1780 - Doctor title/health provider - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1779 - Ag. employers/overtime - H Labor & Workpl
- HB 1778 - State sales tax revenues - H Approps
- HB 1776 - Firearm check fee refunds - H Approps
- SB 5657 - Plasma donation/physicians - S Health & Long-
- SB 5650 - Cannabis local excise tax - S Ways & Means
- HB 1836 - Local news journalism - H Finance
- HB 1831 - Wage and salary disclosures - H Labor & Workpl
- HB 1828 - Plasma donation/physicians - H HC/Wellness
- HB 1820 - Family vlogs/minor children - H Civil R & Judi
- HB 1812 - Anesthesia services 1π° - H HC/Wellness
- SB 5646 - Assaulting outreach workers - S Law & Justice
- SB 5645 - Estate tax/extraordinary rev - S Ways & Means
- SB 5640 - Energy facilities/water - S Environment, E
- SB 5639 - Children of murdered parents - S Higher Ed & Wo
- SB 5638 - Hospital exec. excise tax 1π° - S Ways & Means
- SB 5636 - Mt. St. Helens license plate - S Transportation
- SB 5631 - Back country search & rescue - S State Gov/Trib
- SB 5624 - Electric vehicle fires - S Ways & Means
- SB 5623 - Public records exemptions - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5621 - Sporting event raffles - SBusiness, Fin
- SB 5619 - In-state resident enrollment - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5618 - College admission criteria - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5608 - Free speech policy/higher ed - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5607 - Free speech info./higher ed. - SHigher Ed & Wo
- HB 1771 - Universal communications - HTech, Econ Dev
- HB 1770 - Vision benefits - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1767 - School enrollment/funding 1π° - HFinance
- HB 1761 - Local elected official oaths - HState Govt & T
- HB 1753 - Child removal/opioid use - HEL & Human Svc
- SB 5603 - Juvenile attorney access - SHuman Services
- SB 5602 - Cardiac and stroke outcomes - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5598 - JLARC studies - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5597 - Water recreation facilities - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5588 - Health carriers & providers - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5585 - Tribal warrants - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5583 - Fishing and hunting licenses - S Ways & Means
- SB 5582 - Critical energy infra./PRA - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1749 - SEPA considerations - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1746 - School local effort assist. - HApprops
- HB 1744 - Gift card criminal conduct - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1741 - PANDAS, pediatric treatment - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1740 - OII expansion/prosecutions - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1737 - Apprenticeships/tribal gov. - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1730 - Aircraft fuel tax proceeds - HApprops
- HB 1729 - State school levies - HFinance
- HB 1727 - School library info and tech - HEducation
- SB 5576 - Affordable housing funding - SWays & Means
- SB 5575 - Parenting plan limitations - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5566 - Assaulting law enf. officers - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5565 - Bingo gambling/senior groups - SBusiness, Fin
- SB 5564 - Goals of a basic education - SEL/K-12
- SB 5562 - Students/apprenticeships - SHigher Ed & Wo
- HB 1716 - Dog breeding - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1711 - DCYF/financial stability - HApprops
- HB 1708 - Homelessness info. dashboard 2π° - HHousing
- HB 1704 - Cannabis revenue/local gov. - HApprops
- HB 1699 - Interscholastic sports 1π° - HEducation
- HB 1693 - WIC hematological screening - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1691 - Yakima basin water plan - HAg&Nr
- HB 1681 - HVAC electrical work - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1680 - Preventive dental care - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1679 - Nuclear reactor projects - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5553 - Multifamily housing/tax 1π° - SWays & Means
- SB 5550 - Transportation funding/CCA - STransportation
- SB 5549 - Job applicants and employees - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5546 - Solar energy systems/schools - SEL/K-12
- SB 5544 - County local roads - STransportation
- SB 5538 - Unauthorized persons/removal - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5537 - Natural resources board/OSPI - SAg & Natural R
- SB 5535 - Firearms/individual right - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5533 - Domestic violence/custody - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5532 - Child abuse & DV/standards - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5531 - Home care worker background - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5530 - Penalties/certain offenses - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1678 - Sewage discharge fee 2π° - HApprops
- HB 1675 - Corp. practice of medicine 2π° - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1674 - Hepatitis B & C screening - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1667 - Cancer education programs - HApprops
- HB 1666 - Estate tax repeal - HFinance
- HB 1665 - Capital gains tax repeal - HFinance
- HB 1664 - Long-term care ombud funding - HApprops
- HB 1663 - Youth mental health/schools 1π° - HEducation
- HB 1661 - Future fund pilot project 1π° - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1659 - Early childhood court prg. - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1655 - Provider contract comp. - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1649 - Child care/community pathway - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1638 - Chronic pain/good faith - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1637 - School safety 2π° - HEducation
- SB 5526 - Tobacco, nicotine, & vapor - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5521 - Traffic safety - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5520 - Wrongly convicted persons - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5515 - Community solar - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5513 - Pharmacist scope of practice - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5512 - House-banked card rooms - SBusiness, Fin
- HB 1629 - Inmate place./biological sex 1π° - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1624 - Alcohol taxes and fees study - HApprops
- HB 1618 - College in HS/private school - HEducation
- HB 1617 - UW primate research center - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1613 - Ticket sales - HConsPro&Bus
- HB 1612 - High school/AP, IB, CIE exam - HApprops
- HB 1611 - Unmanned aircrafts/foreign - HState Govt & T
- HB 1601 - Crime victims/capital gains - HFinance
- SB 5487 - Agricultural overtime - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5483 - History & heritage education 1π° - SEL/K-12
- SB 5481 - Behavioral health/schools - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5477 - Mental health services - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5476 - Responsible bidder criteria - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1597 - Agricultural overtime - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1594 - Addressing increased school transportation and operating costs due to the climate commitment act. - HApprops
- HB 1593 - Social equity land trust - HAg&Nr
- HB 1590 - Supporting student success through instruction in self-resiliency skills. - HEducation
- HB 1586 - Rules review committee - HState Govt & T
- HB 1585 - Voter citizenship verif. - HState Govt & T
- HB 1584 - In-person voting 1π° - HState Govt & T
- HB 1581 - Increasing the statewide 988 behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention line tax. - HFinance
- HB 1580 - CTE/alt. learning exp. prgs. - HApprops
- HB 1579 - Student transportation 3π° - HApprops
- HB 1578 - Repealing the long-term care services and supports trust program. - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1575 - Concerning the defense of property rights. - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1569 - Tax exemptions - HApprops
- EHR 4607 - House rules, permanent 3π° - HAdopted
- SB 5472 - Farm holdings - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5468 - Ag. cannabis workers - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5460 - Community authority funding - SWays & Means
- SB 5449 - Counselors, etc. committee - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5447 - High-hazard facility wages - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5446 - Commission on boys and men - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5443 - Fund-raising events - SBusiness, Fin
- HB 1560 - Hospital exec. excise tax 2π° - HFinance
- HB 1559 - I-5 Columbia river tolls - HTransportation
- HB 1555 - Nursing home payment rates - HApprops
- HB 1548 - Cannabis retail robberies - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1547 - Student mental health net. 1π° - HEducation
- HB 1536 - Juveniles/firearm possession 1π° - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1528 - Special education IEPs 1π° - HEducation
- SB 5441 - Accounts - SWays & Means
- SB 5439 - Thermal coal divestment/SIB - SWays & Means
- SB 5424 - UW health sciences campus 2π° - SHigher Ed & Wo
- SB 5416 - Child care providers - SEL/K-12
- SB 5415 - CBA financial feasibility - SWays & Means
- SB 5413 - Detached ADUs - SHousing
- HB 1523 - Essential worker health care - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1521 - Supporting caregivers who provide complex care services to children with heightened medical needs. - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1520 - Pharmacist scope of practice - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1510 - PERS/appeal commissioners - HApprops
- HB 1508 - Ecosystem services - HAg&Nr
- HB 1502 - Behavioral health teaching - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1496 - Health care information - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1495 - College promise pilot - HApprops
- HB 1466 - Hospital safety net program - HApprops
- SB 5404 - Public defense services - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5383 - Salmon recovery projects/tax - SWays & Means
- SB 5376 - Cruelty to animals - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5373 - Even-numbered year elections - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5366 - Victim of rape/pregnancy - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5364 - Sheriffs, chiefs, etc. - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5363 - Reg. businesses/card fees 1π° - SBusiness, Fin
- HB 1413 - Opioid reversal purchasing - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1424 - Jail system - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1421 - Smokey Bear license plates - HTransportation
- HB 1417 - Cigarette carbon tax 1π° - HFinance
- HB 1415 - Long-term services trust - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1411 - Assumed revenues 2π° - HApprops
- HB 1407 - Graffiti & property damage - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1405 - Complete streets obligations - HTransportation
- HB 1401 - Nautical NW license plate - HTransportation
- HB 1387 - Prevailing wage/public works - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1487 - Crime victim services 2π° - HApprops
- HB 1482 - Health coverage access 3π° - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1481 - Nuclear energy study - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1480 - Affordable housing REET 2π° - HFinance
- HB 1479 - Office of native ed. grants - HEducation
- HB 1478 - Death cert./subst. homicide - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1475 - National board bonuses - HApprops
- HB 1472 - Yakima & Rainier schools - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1471 - BSA transfers - HApprops
- HB 1470 - DDA no-paid services - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1469 - ASAM 4 treatment criteria - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1465 - Defendant supervision costs - HApprops
- HB 1456 - Law enforcement personnel 2π° - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1455 - Toxicology lab. funding 2π° - HApprops
- HB 1454 - Drug task force funding 2π° - HApprops
- HB 1452 - Vehicle & retail theft 2π° - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1451 - SVP civil commitment 2π° - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1447 - Financial aid award amounts - HPostsec Ed & W
- HB 1445 - Washington health trust 1π° - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1441 - Broadband/repair and replace - HCap Budget
- SB 5407 - Nursing home rate rebase - SWays & Means
- SB 5406 - EV charging/state expense - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5398 - Veterans w/ disabilities/tax - SWays & Means
- SB 5394 - DDA no-paid services - S Ways & Means
- SB 5393 - Yakima & Rainier schools - S Ways & Means
- SB 5392 - BSA transfers - SWays & Means
- SB 5389 - Liquor revenue/local gov. - SWays & Means
- SB 5350 - Firearm background checks - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5349 - Assault rifles/CPL holders - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5348 - Organized retail theft - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5347 - Organized retail theft - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5346 - Student mobile device use 2π° - SEL/K-12
- SB 5341 - Children's product sales tax - SWays & Means
- SB 5340 - Sales tax exemptions - SWays & Means
- SB 5339 - Minimum wage increases - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5320 - Smokey Bear license plates 1π° - STransportation
- HB 1383 - Baby products grant program - HApprops
- HB 1378 - Eluding & resisting arrest - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1377 - Ferry system emergency decl. 1π° - HTransportation
- HB 1374 - Sales and use tax rate - HFinance
- HB 1373 - Senior citizens local tax - HFinance
- HB 1370 - Mt. St. Helens license plate - HTransportation
- HB 1369 - Working forest license plate - HTransportation
- HB 1366 - Military surplus vehicles - HTransportation
- HB 1364 - Unlicensed bingo, etc. - HState Govt & T
- SB 5311 - Cash & food assistance/work - SHuman Services
- SB 5302 - Unmanned aircrafts/foreign - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5295 - Sexual assault/rights - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1354 - Session employees/PEBB - HApprops
- HB 1352 - Educator support/nurses - HEducation
- HB 1350 - Child care reimburse. rates - HApprops
- HB 1342 - Unlawful detainer notices - HHousing
- HB 1336 - Utility meter choice - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1333 - Pregnancy loss - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1331 - Controlled substance death - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1330 - PEBB & SEBB consolidation - HApprops
- HB 1326 - Diabetes and obesity - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1324 - Transportation funding/CCA 2π° - HTransportation
- HB 1323 - Obstructing highways - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5293 - Prevailing wage/public works - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5289 - Farm machinery sales tax - SWays & Means
- SB 5277 - Juvenile rehab. to 25 repeal 1π° - SHuman Services
- SB 5276 - Institution reimburse. rates 1π° - SHuman Services
- SB 5274 - Body cameras/corrections 1π° - SHuman Services
- HB 1320 - Business & occupation tax 2π° - HFinance
- HB 1319 - Wealth tax 3π° - HFinance
- HB 1316 - Expanding the scope of programs for postsecondary students experiencing homelessness and former foster youth. - HApprops
- HB 1306 - International med. pathways - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5269 - Sentence modification - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5267 - Death penalty - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5257 - Juvenile firearm sentencing - SHuman Services
- SB 5256 - ISRB hearings/victims - SHuman Services
- SB 5255 - Juvenile detention - SHuman Services
- SB 5250 - Squatters - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5247 - Naselle Youth Camp property - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5243 - Health premiums/lobbying - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5237 - Unattended child in vehicle - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5233 - Washington health trust 2π° - SHealth & Long-
- SB 5230 - Juvenile attorney exceptions - SHuman Services
- HB 1295 - Reading and writing literacy - HEducation
- HB 1292 - Plan 1 retiree COLAs - HApprops
- HB 1288 - Climate funding/outdoor rec. 2π° - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1286 - Control. subst. endangerment - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1284 - Investmnt income B&O deduct. - HFinance
- HB 1280 - Career & tech. ed./6th grade - HApprops
- HB 1277 - Medical equipment sales tax - HFinance
- HB 1266 - Commission on boys and men - HState Govt & T
- SB 5220 - City small works rosters - SLoc Gov
- HB 1255 - Encampment removal 3π° - HLocal Govt
- HB 1250 - Facilitating law enforcement and corrections agency accreditation. - HApprops
- HB 1247 - Concerning placement of individuals in juvenile rehabilitation institutions. - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1246 - Juvenile justice - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1241 - Students with disabilities 1π° - HEducation
- HB 1236 - Littering, penalty increase - HEnv & Energy
- SB 5216 - Green energy/community - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5213 - Fentanyl possession - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5196 - Gambling commission/PRA - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1231 - Public school starting times - HEducation
- HB 1225 - Budgeting process 2π° - HApprops
- HB 1224 - Working families' tax credit - HFinance
- HB 1221 - Gubernatorial proclamations 5π° - HState Govt & T
- SB 5167 - Operating budget 2π° - SWays & Means
- HB 1193 - Child welfare workers - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5162 - Health care work violence - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5160 - Transportation budget, supp. - STransportation
- SB 5159 - Trick-or-treat day - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5153 - Transferring certain individuals from the department of children, youth, and families to the department of corrections at age 18. - SHuman Services
- SB 5151 - Annual state spending growth - SWays & Means
- SB 5150 - Juvenile access to attorney - SHuman Services
- SB 5146 - Government efficiency portal - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5145 - State spending prgs. review - SWays & Means
- SB 5144 - St. agency tortious conduct - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1181 - Concerning labor standards and the Washington minimum wage act. 1π° - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1179 - Providing a property tax valuation freeze for senior citizens and disabled veterans. - HFinance
- HB 1176 - Health care/minors 1π° - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5140 - Firearm purchase 1π° - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1169 - Fabricated depictions/minors 1π° - HCommunity Safe
- SB 5137 - Sex ed./parent approval - SEL/K-12
- SB 5136 - Student given names - SEL/K-12
- SB 5135 - Curriculum establishment - SEL/K-12
- SB 5132 - Small claims actions notice - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1159 - Control. subst. endangerment - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1151 - Establishing the ninth grade success grant program. - HApprops
- HB 1134 - Promoting resource conservation practices in public schools. - HEducation
- SB 5100 - Standardizing basic training and certification requirements for long-term care workers who provide in-home care for their family members, including spouses or domestic partners. - SHealth & Long-
- HB 1124 - Establishing a prescribing psychologist certification in Washington state. - HHC/Wellness
- HB 1122 - Restricting mobile device usage by public school students. - HEducation
- HB 1120 - Determining state allocations for school staff salaries. - HApprops
- HB 1117 - Removing the delegation of authority related to California motor vehicle emissions standards to generate new transportation revenue for the state by reducing administration burdens on the government and the people. 1π° - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1093 - Massage therapy coverage - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5097 - Safeguarding competitiveness in girls' interscholastic athletic activities. - SEL/K-12
- SB 5096 - Removing references to pregnancy from the model directive form under the natural death act. - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1100 - Local sales and use tax - HFinance
- SB 5078 - Agricultural real estate - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1092 - Children/controlled sub. 3π° - HEL & Human Svc
- SB 5073 - Motor vehicles sales tax use - SWays & Means
- HB 1089 - Eviction reform - HHousing
- HB 1088 - Residential landlord-tenant - HHousing
- HB 1087 - Criminal endangerment - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1086 - Motor vehicle chop shops 1π° - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1031 - School facility temperatures - HEducation
- HB 1021 - Military families/education - HEducation
- SB 5057 - Agricultural real estate - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5056 - WSP firearms records system - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1084 - Unleaded aircraft fuel/tax - HFinance
- HB 1083 - Aircraft fuel tax distrib. - HApprops
- HB 1072 - Health care services - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5048 - Initiative sig. challenges - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5047 - Signature gathering/protests - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5046 - Kimchi day - SState Gov/Trib
- SB 5042 - Autonomous vehicles - STransportation
- SB 5038 - Hate crime offense 2π° - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5035 - Voter education - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1059 - Industrial insurance/duties - HLabor & Workpl
- HB 1053 - Juvenile access to attorney 1π° - HCivil R & Judi
- HB 1049 - Sexual assault nurses - HApprops
- SB 5028 - Unlawful camping 1π° - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5026 - Motor vehicle sales tax 1π° - SWays & Means
- SB 5024 - Wine/alcohol tax exemption - SLabor & Comm
- SB 5022 - Law enf. hiring - SLaw & Justice
- HB 1041 - Replacement tires 4π° - HEnv & Energy
- HB 1038 - Gender/health providers 2π° - HHC/Wellness
- SB 5020 - Senior citizens/prop. taxes 1π° - SWays & Means
- HB 1027 - Housing of inmates 1π° - HCommunity Safe
- HB 1026 - LTSS trust spousal benefits 1π° - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1025 - LTSS trust exemptions 1π° - HEL & Human Svc
- HB 1020 - Academic reengagement - HEducation
- SB 5015 - Increasing efficiency at the energy facility site evaluation council by removing the governor from the project approval process. - SEnvironment, E
- SB 5012 - Concerning the organization of interscholastic athletics. - SEL/K-12
- SB 5010 - Creating an election security camera grant program. - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1008 - Concerning county local roads. - HLocal Govt
- SB 5002 - Concerning federal immigration enforcement. 3π° - SLaw & Justice
- SB 5001 - Implementing year-round Pacific standard time. 1π° - SState Gov/Trib
- HB 1000 - Expanding the circumstances that may constitute a major violation of the uniform controlled substances act. 3π° - HCommunity Safe
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