wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 6198 > Substitute Bill

SB 6198 - LEOFF 2 board employees


Section 1

The law enforcement officers' and firefighters' plan 2 retirement board established in section 4, chapter 2, Laws of 2003 has the following duties and powers in addition to any other duties or powers authorized or required by law. The board:

  1. Shall hire an executive director, and shall fix the salary of the executive director subject to periodic review by the board and shall provide notice to the director of the office of financial management and the chairs of the house of representatives and senate fiscal committees of changes;

  2. Shall employ other staff as necessary to implement the purposes of chapter 2, Laws of 2003. All employees of the board are exempt from civil service under chapter 41.06 RCW. Compensation levels for all staff employed by the board shall be established and fixed by the board subject to periodic review by the board. The board shall provide notice to the director of the office of financial management and the chairs of the house of representatives and senate fiscal committees of proposed changes to the compensation levels for the positions;

  3. Shall adopt an annual budget as provided in section 5, chapter 2, Laws of 2003. Expenses of the board are paid from the expense fund created in RCW 41.26.732;

  4. May make, execute, and deliver contracts, conveyances, and other instruments necessary to exercise and discharge its powers and duties;

  5. May contract for all or part of the services necessary for the management and operation of the board with other state or nonstate entities authorized to do business in the state; and

  6. May contract with actuaries, auditors, and other consultants as necessary to carry out its responsibilities.

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