wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 6159 > Original Bill

SB 6159 - Superintendent/task forces


Section 1

  1. The membership of the state board of education shall be composed of sixteen members who are residents of the state of Washington:

    1. Seven shall be members representing the educational system, as follows:

      1. Five members elected by school district directors. Three of the members elected by school district directors shall be residents of western Washington and two members shall be residents of eastern Washington;

      2. One member elected at large by the members of the boards of directors of all private schools in the state meeting the requirements of RCW 28A.195.010; and

      3. The superintendent of public instruction or their designee;

    2. Seven members appointed by the governor; and

    3. Two students selected in a manner determined by the state board of education.

  2. Initial appointments shall be for terms from one to four years in length, with the terms expiring on the second Monday of January of the applicable year. As the terms of the first appointees expire or vacancies on the board occur, the governor shall appoint or reappoint members of the board to complete the initial terms or to four-year terms, as appropriate.

    1. Appointees of the governor must be individuals who have demonstrated interest in public schools and are supportive of educational improvement, have a positive record of service, and who will devote sufficient time to the responsibilities of the board.

    2. In appointing board members, the governor shall consider the diversity of the population of the state.

    3. All appointments to the board made by the governor are subject to confirmation by the senate.

    4. No person may serve as a member of the board, except the superintendent of public instruction or their designee, for more than two consecutive full four-year terms.

  3. The governor may remove an appointed member of the board for neglect of duty, misconduct, malfeasance, or misfeasance in office, or for incompetent or unprofessional conduct as defined in chapter 18.130 RCW. In such a case, the governor shall file with the secretary of state a statement of the causes for and the order of removal from office, and the secretary of state shall send a certified copy of the statement of causes and order of removal to the last known post office address of the member.

  4. [Empty]

    1. The chair of the board shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the board. The chair of the board shall serve a term of two years, and may be reelected to an additional term. A member of the board may not serve as chair for more than two consecutive terms.

    2. Except as provided in (d) of this subsection, nine voting members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

    3. All members are voting members.

    4. A student member selected under subsection (1)(c) of this section shall excuse themselves from voting on matters directly relating to graduation requirement changes that apply to the student's school and graduating class. In the event of a student member excusing themselves under this subsection, eight voting members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

  5. Members of the board appointed by the governor who are not public employees shall be compensated in accordance with RCW 43.03.250 and shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the board in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060.

Section 2

  1. The board shall consist of six members:

    1. The governor or the governor's designee;

    2. The superintendent of public instruction or their designee;

    3. The commissioner;

    4. The director of the University of Washington school of forest resources;

    5. The dean of the Washington State University college of agricultural, human, and natural resource sciences; and

    6. A representative of those counties that contain state forestlands acquired or transferred under RCW 79.22.010, 79.22.040, and 79.22.020.

  2. [Empty]

    1. The county representative on the board shall be selected by the legislative authorities of those counties that contain state forestlands acquired or transferred under RCW 79.22.010, 79.22.040, and 79.22.020. In the selection of the county representative, each participating county shall have one vote. The Washington state association of counties shall convene a meeting for the purpose of making the selection and shall notify the board of the selection.

    2. The county representative must be a duly elected member of a county legislative authority who shall serve a term of four years unless the representative should leave office for any reason. The initial term shall begin on July 1, 1986.

Section 3

The governor shall be assisted in his or her duties and responsibilities by the Washington state traffic safety commission. The Washington traffic safety commission shall be composed of the governor as chair, the superintendent of public instruction or their designee, the director of licensing, the secretary of transportation, the chief of the state patrol, the secretary of health, the director of the health care authority, a representative of the association of Washington cities to be appointed by the governor, a member of the association of counties to be appointed by the governor, and a representative of the judiciary to be appointed by the governor. Appointments to any vacancies among appointee members shall be as in the case of original appointment.

The governor may designate an employee of the governor's office familiar with the traffic safety commission to act on behalf of the governor during the absence of the governor at one or more of the meetings of the commission. The vote of the designee shall have the same effect as if cast by the governor if the designation is in writing and is presented to the person presiding at the meetings included within the designation.

The governor may designate a member, other than the governor's designee, to preside during the governor's absence.

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