wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5959
SB 5959 - Traffic safety cameras
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Mon 01/15 04:00 PM - Transportation (TRAN): SB 5959 Traffic safety cameras
25 👍 - Pro
- Zack Zappone
- Mary Ellen Russell - Seattle School Traffic Safety Committee member
- Brandy DeLange - Association of Washington Cities
- David Jones - Cooper Jones ATSAC
- 💵Briahna Murray - City of Tacoma
- Venu Nemani - City of Seattle
- Rob Karlinsey - City of Kenmore
- 💵Axel Swanson - Washington State Association of County Engineers
- 💵Debbie Driver - Governor's Office
- Mark McKechnie - Washington State Traffic Safety Commission
7 👎 - Con
3 ❓ - Other
- James McMahan - WA Assoc Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- Jeff DeVere - WACOPS - Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs
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